We developed a single Omniscope dashboard, the central template. Multiple people within the organisation make use of the template, but all a bit different.
Example: - Template has tabs 1,2 and 3 - All users use tabs 1,2 and 3 - User X uses a customised tab in addition only for him (tab 4) - User Y uses a customised tab in addition only for him (tab 5) - All other users only use tabs 1, 2 and 3
As far as I know this requires three different iok files. Now, when we need to change tab 1, we need to make this change in all files.
Is it possible, or can it be developed, that subfiles make use of tabs from a central Omniscope template? Changes to the template will then be inherited automatically by all subfiles.
All files use the same dataset as a source. In case a user requires an additional tab on the central template, we need to create a different iok file for this user only (let's say "xyz.iok"). No problem so far. But in case a tab on the central template needs to be changed, we also need to make this change in xyz.iok as this file uses the same tabs as the central template. When this is only one user, it is not a big deal. But when we have to do this for 10 or 50 users (read files) it becomes very inefficient.
What would be useful is that the tabs in xyz.iok inherit the changes made in the central template.
I see what you mean. Users adding tabs or workspaces implies users have at least a Pro. For Viewer users this is not an option of course and must we do it automatically by setting up subtemplates based on a central and customised with additional tabs per used.
Would be great to have that in 2.7
Do you have an estimation of when 2.7 will be available as alpha?
I'll vote for this feature but not just for the Enterprise but just also I'll go for the copy and insert into new iok file (pretty much like what we can do with Excel worksheets.)
Emy, note that Excel worksheets are different data sets, whereas Omniscope tabs are different views upon the same data. So exporting and importing tabs would only exchange the *configuration* of those tabs; the data would not be included, and this would only work if the tabs were compatible with the data structure they were subsequently imported into. Does this fit with what you are after?
Are there any news or changes made in Omniscope for this idea? I think it would be very helpful to be able to create a new tab (within the same datafile) and then be able to copy and paste it into another iok file with the sama data.