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Change Tale Coloumn Names for a Single Tab - Visokio Forums
Change Tale Coloumn Names for a Single Tab
  •        benjamin November 18, 2010 10:21AM

    Is it possible to change a column name in a table for a specific tab without changing the column name for the entire file.

    I.e I have a table and i aggregated the rows into subsets.Now for each column in the table (Say Col1 and Col2 for simplicity) i have applied a formulae on Col1 and Col2 (e.g weighted average, sum , number of records ) by using the options availiable in Aggregate.Now the labels i have originally for this columns do not reflect the actual values in the table, as they have been changed by the application of the formulae.Is there any way to rename Col1 and Col2 (to say "Weighted Average" and "Total" ) the coloumn of this table without changing the global column name .
  •     acm November 18, 2010 10:34AM
    Yes, very good question. I am dealing with the same issue.
    By using the aggregate function, fieldnames do not reflect the field values.
    A workaround is using duplicate fields using formulae, but this is far from optimal.

    Hope you can develop a structural solution
  •     steve November 18, 2010 10:41AM
    It's a known issue which we'll look into resolving in 2.7 or 2.8.


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