To sum up, this idea is:
Add "Subset: selected or filtered data" option which is a new data subset that automatically mirrors the selection, or the filtered data if there is no selection.
This is an area where many approaches are possible...and perhaps some additional configuration options should be discussed and introduced. Certainly the current stark "No data selected" and blank background can look bad on an otherwise beautiful tab/dashboard, spoiling an opening view.
Interactive drill-down windows using the Selection subset are very powerful...but it is not always obvious to new users of files how to select a subset and fill the window with interesting visualisations.
We will discuss this...anyone else have ideas/thoughts?
Or all values, ie bars in a barchart, greyed out. This happens also when Subset is Filtered Data and user selects a bar in barchart. All other views on the same tab are grey out. This is very useful functionality and might be useful as well for the issue posted here