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Locale and encoding: Load + display Chinese/Korean/Japanese characters in Omniscope - Visokio Forums
Locale and encoding: Load + display Chinese/Korean/Japanese characters in Omniscope
  • Pascal     Pascal October 29, 2010 7:36PM
    I'm on version b420. I am trying to read an xlsx file with english, pole, koren and chinese characters in it.
    In previous version, I think we could select locale (still the case) but also encoding, like UTF-8.
    Here the encoding option is not showing up.
    How can I get visokio to read the asian characters correctly?
    Thank you.
  • 1 Comment
  •     steve November 1, 2010 12:30PM
    "Native" excel files (XLS, XLSX) have never had an encoding option in Omniscope. This only appears for text files (CSV, TXT, TAB, TSV).

    If you open an XLSX file with non-western characters, Omniscope will interpret these correctly, but may not display them correctly in the default font; instead, squares or question marks might appear. But rest assured this is a display-only issue; internally the correct characters are being modelled and understood by Omniscope.

    To see the characters you must choose Settings > File font > Installed fonts > Arial Unicode MS. If you are often working with non-western characters, you might want to make this setting permanent using Settings > Application font.

    See the attachment - an example XLSX file containing some of the phrases from Omniscope's language translations file. This opens and displays characters correctly in Omniscope, providing you have switched the font.


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