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Queries and Refreshed Data - Visokio Forums
Queries and Refreshed Data
  •     chrisamott June 2, 2010 10:06AM
    Do queries store specific records or the filters that make up the query.

    I create a query from filters. The file is refreshed and includes additonal rows. Does the query hold the original selection of records or is it updated to accomodate new records which confirm to the original filter criteria.

  • 1 Comment
  •     steve June 2, 2010 1:47PM
    Queries are rulesets. So if you create a query that says "Colour = red", it means literally that.

    The exceptions to this are when you create a query from a certain type of selection:
    - selections by record in the Table view (by clicking on the row header at the left) are recorded as record indexes in the query.
    - selections within aggregated views are recorded by taking the records in the aggregated data and using the aggregation criteria corresponding to those rows in the query.


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