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Server Problem - "No linked source configured" - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
Server Problem - "No linked source configured"
  • JohnMR March 8, 2017 6:41AM
    turning to refresh data with a server license but I keep getting the error "No linked source configured".
    What does that mean?
  •     paola March 8, 2017 6:48AM
    Please provide more information:
    Are you using the Scheduler application?
    (or you're trying to refresh an existing workflow manually)
    If yes - is it running as 24/7 Windows service?
    Here are some useful links helping you to diagnose the issue
  • JohnMR March 8, 2017 6:50AM
    Trying to move an existing Omniscope iok file into the Scheduler application.
  •     paola March 9, 2017 4:22AM
    There is a PDF "Diagnosing Visokio Service" in the forum post above.
    Could you please go through the steps in order to speed up the time to diagnose the issue here. Please ring our office with the results, so we can do a screen-share.


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