Howdy folks! So... Salesforce Output has 3 options, Append/Replace/Update. Append is the desired option here, to create new records. Funny thing is Append seems to deliberately drop the 'name' field when passing the bulk insert job. It will be included in an Update call. The result is the newly created records will have the SF default name (which is the ID of the record). Updating those records with the same Omniscope output will pass the name value without issue. And ouputting Omniscope to a file and dataloading that file through another system passes the name, so it's nothing with the format or validation.
Looking at what's being passed it's clear that the name is simply not included, which is why I say deliberately. Creating Standard SF object record (account,opportunity) DOES pass the name value in an Append style output.
Attachment showing that for creating of new record in Append (insert) call, the Name field is dropped. But in an Update call it is passed.