Just a query into the deprecation of the API, the sunset date for February is coming and some of our users have been notified that their API access will be affected. Could you verify if the current DoubleClick is version proofed for this and will be able to access 2.2? The only API access on those users account affected should only be from Omniscope reports.
You’re receiving this email because our records show that your DoubleClick Campaign Manager user profile has accessed version 2.1 or earlier of the DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API within the last 30 days. If you do not manage this API for your DCM advertiser, please forward this email to the appropriate users for your organization.
As we announced in November with the release of v2.3 of the DCM/DFA Reporting and Trafficking API, we will be sunsetting versions 2.1 and earlier of the API on February 29, 2016. You can read our announcement here: http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/2015/11/announcing-v23-of-dcmdfa-reporting-and.html. Please note that all API requests to versions 2.1 and earlier will no longer work after this date, preventing you from updating and accessing information in DCM.
To avoid an interruption in service, all DoubleClick users are required to upgrade their application to use version 2.2 or later of the API by February 29, 2016. If you haven’t yet started upgrading, we strongly encourage you to do so.
Thanks for letting us know about this. We will ensure that we update the API in the next few days. I'll let you know when this happens. You will need to download and install the latest version of Omniscope 2.9 once the update takes place.
We are currently working on a new DoubleClick connector in the new version of DataManager. More details will be posted shortly, however if you have any ideas/requirements please let us know.
We have now added support for the latest versio of the DoubleClick API into the main Omniscope 2.9 release (b1809). Please download and use this to avoid problems with deprecation of the old API.