I'm a BRAND new user and am having a little trouble getting any meaningful chart views using the data I imported. Is one of the tutorials available specifically focused on how to get your data organized and grouped so that the tool will be able to generate the right graphics? I don't think I'm looking at the right one....I'm specifically interested in learning how to create and define the queries correctly. Right now it seems like when I create a new query its not really selecting the right things I'm looking for...and I don't even see where to go to select the definitions for the query. Am I missing something big?? Please help me get started
Lisbell - Start with just a Table View displayed on an Omniscope tab, and do a global Reset from the Main Toolbar to ensure that all records are filtered IN. Make sure at least one Sidebar is revealed from Toolbars > Show right/left Sidebar. Depending on how you have typed your data fileds/columns, you will see different types of filter devices in the Sidebar. Use these filter devices to define your queries...watch the barometer to see records beeing filtered out. Once you have defined a query/data subset you wish to refer to in various visualisations, go to the Queries drop down in the Main Toolbar and select Create query from filters. Give the query a name and this combination of filter settings will be added to all Data Subset drop-down menus in all Views, and also as a quick query option on the main Query drop-down menu. Click reset and set an different combination of Sidebar filters to define another query, which you can then give a name and have appear on the various menus. Use the Venn View to analyse the overlaps, if any, between your Named Queries.
ok thanks this was helpful. However when I tried this again but with a larger data set, I didn't get the same filter selection view on the side bar....to check the items you'd like to fileter. Is there something different to do if you've got a much bigger data set?
No- the process is the same for any size data set, but note that the number of unique values in text columns can be much less in smaller files, leading Omniscope to type the Text as Category with tick-box filters, whereas in a larger file, the number of unique values is potentially much greater, and thus the field is typed Text with text filters on the Sidebar. You can still filter on the text values, but you must type in the filter box, since there are no tickboxes displayed on the Sidebar for the larger file.