The Facebook connector is not currently working in Omniscope, and as such is unavailable for the time being.
Facebook recently changed their permission model, meaning all applications need to apply to Facebook in order to access information such as user details and insights. We are in the process of applying for this, however the process is complex and may take some time.
Unfortunately we do not have a contact at Facebook who is able to speed up this process, however if you do have a contact and are able to help us with this please get in touch.
We have been approved to download some fields by Facebook, but not all....we need to provide use cases for real paying Facebook clients to gain access to certain fields via the API. Please contact your Facebook Account Executive and make sure both they and we know which fields you need via the API using the Omniscope Connector.
Do you know which fields you absolutely need from the new Facebook API? Facebook have agreed to give our clients have access to most, but we need to know your must-have fields and make a joint case to Facebook if you want more....they want to know why you need those reserved fields and what you are going to do with the additional fields...this is a joint effort with all agencies.