I couldn't find a specific task or action in the Scheduler so I thought I'd ask here: Is there a way to disable things such as sidebars (i.e. the main right sidebar) for an IOK file via the Scheduler or through other means, without opening it manually in a Desktop or Server environment?
Alexander - In general, Scheduler actions only operate at the level of files, rather than internal file configuration. There are only two Scheduler actions that really affect how a file looks, the Reconfigure DM Source task, which changes the Data Source underlying a pre-named Source block in the data flow, and Set DM Parameter, which changes the value assigned to a parameter defined inside the Report IOK file.
If you want to hide the Sidebars, why not convert them to floating Sidebars? You could also use multiple master Template IOK files, some showing Sidebars and some not, with the Batch Distribution file determining who gets which version.
floating sidebars are a good idea! This fixes our immediate problem of making sure the client doesn't fiddle around with filters just because they're there.