We are also looking at whether we can create separately saved "sessions" or "configurations" for a given IOK file (as hidden files alongside the IOK in the sharing folder). This is in the context of using browser deployments from a hosted Server environment.
This would prevent users from updating everyone else's view of a file, while allowing them to save their local changes made from the browser. It would use far less server memory than having multiple copies of the IOK file, since the data would be shared. When a given user next logs in they would get their own configuration of the file as they left it, but will also have the ability to revert back to the master file configuration.
This would allow each user to have their own saved state of an IOK file; the master IOK file itself would hold the data (along with the original "master configuration").
A new user permission would control whether you could save back to the "master configuration" in the IOK itself or not.
We are also considering allowing some kind of URL query param to specify the "saved user id" which will be used to identify the user. There is a related discussion here about query params mentioned here: