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Time series
  •     Valentina March 26, 2010 12:57PM
    Hello again,

    If I choose the "Time Series(connect markers by X axis)" option for my time series graph and click on one of the circes/points i get an x symbol instead of the information for the particular point. However if I don't choose the option mentioned before I do get the information for the points.
    Any ideas why this is happening?

  • 1 Comment
  •     tjbate April 11, 2010 5:17PM
    Valentina - There are two ways to display record level detail behind markers on connected time series graphs; double click on the marker should bring up the details popup for all records, and mouse hover hover should display selected values as tooltips according the the fields you have selected in Settings > Tooltips. The exception to this currently is when Graph View mouse selection mode is set to Line select mode, which is used to select all points on a line for filtering lines IN and OUT. In Line select mode, all the records underlying all the markers on the entire line are selected, and therefore details display is suppressed. To avoid this, save the file with the Graph View mouse select mode set to a mode other than Line select mode.


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