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Aggregation and filters
  •     Valentina March 15, 2010 4:11PM

    I have changed the field type of one of my columns to sum but the filters keep showing me the maximum number of values before changing the fileld type from singleton value to a sum value. Do you know how can I change the setting so that I get the range of the numbers in the column after the aggregation?
    Thanks in advance

  •     tjbate March 24, 2010 4:21PM
    Valentina - Can you be a little more specific, maybe scramble and post your file? In general, you can set the function to be used in aggregated or grouped views for every field, and you should always confirm that the aggregation/grouping functions settings are sensible or set to 'none' for ALL fields/columns when applying aggregations and grouping. Remember that you do not have to check the 'aggregate by' option box in order to set/change the functions to be applied to the data aggregated/grouped by other fields.

    Available aggregation functions depend on data typing. If a field is typed text, then 'singleton value' specifies that if all records have the same text value, that text value should be displayed in aggregated/grouped views..otherwise blank. 'Sum' is an option that applies only to numeric fields. With this in mind, could you ask you question again?
  •     Valentina March 25, 2010 3:00PM
    Let me be more specific. For example I have a column called orders with values 1 and 2 only.Therefore the filter for orders has a max value 2 and min value 1. If I aggregate orders by week I get values between 20-150. However the filter for orders still shows min value 1 and max value 2 instead of 20 and 150 respectively? What I am asking is how can I set up the filters to show values after the aggregation i.e. 20-150.
    Hope this make more sense.

  • Guy_Cuthbert        Guy_Cuthbert March 30, 2010 3:02PM
    There is no way in Omniscope to change filter behaviour like this. To achieve this effect you would need to create a new field, using a formula (i.e. using the SUBSET_SUM function) and then Omniscope will present that new field as a numeric filter covering the range of the SUMmed values.
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