I am trying to use subset functions to do the following but it seems that more functions are needed.
I have a column with ID's and another column showing the steps of the ID. The Temp column shows the temperature of the ID at each step. Ideally I want to create a fourth column (like First step temp below) showing the temperature of the First Step only, across all same ID cells.
Hope it makes sense. Any ideas are welcomed. Thanks
ID Steps Temp First step temp A First Warm Warm A Middle Cool Warm A Last Warm Warm B First Warm Warm B Last Warm Warm C First Cool Cool C Middle Cool Cool C Middle Warm Cool C Last Cool Cool
You also might wish to consider using either of these two formulas in Field organiser/DataManager or Data Explorer space:
SUBSET_FIRSTNONNULL([Temp], SUBSET([Id])) Taking the first value in the [Temp] field and repeating it for each record with same [Id]. Works fine if the "First" is always the first record for each [Id]. In case it is not, you might use:
SUBSET_FIRSTNONNULL([Temp], SUBSET2([Id],[Steps],[Id],"First")) Same logic, but making sure the [Temp] value taken is the one where [Steps] ="First".