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Disaggregated record counts visible in Sidebar - Visokio Forums
Disaggregated record counts visible in Sidebar
  • VoteVote Up0Vote Down     Mees March 4, 2010 10:13AM
    The record count per field value in the Sidebar filters is confusing whenever visuals show information on a higher aggregation level compared to the record level. Would it be possible to hide the record count numbers?
  •     tjbate March 9, 2010 6:51PM
    Arjan - because aggregation is set by view (and aggregations can be different for different views on the same tab), and all filtering is done at the granular record level, by default the disaggregated record counts show in Sidebar filter devices. There is currently no option to hide the record counts, but there probably should be...we will add this to the list of ideas...thanks.
  •     tjbate March 10, 2010 11:27AM
    In version 2.6, using the DataManager workspace you can apply the aggregation to the data at source, rather than inside the Omniscope views/tabs, so that all the filter record counts show the aggregated rather than granular record counts in the Omniscope tab Sidebars.


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