Java installations on recipient machines that do not have free Viewers fully installed have been updated to version 5.1 and is causing problems with Omniscope files & Viewers being deployed using Java Web Start.
Our users get errors and their iok files aren't launched. Probably the jar file must be updated?
Can you please have a look asap as this is causing serious delivery problems for us
1. Clear the web browser cache. For Internet Explorer 11 To clear the Internet Explorer 11 cache open “Internet Options” by pressing Alt + X or pressing the Tool icon on the top right hand of the window, select “Internet Options from the menu.
Select “Delete” from the Browsing history in the Internet Options dialog box. In the “Delete Browsing History” dialog box Check the boxes for “Temporary Internet files and website files” and “Cookies and website data”, press Delete.
Press ok to close the “Internet Options dialog box”
Press the “x” on the “Internet Explorer has finished deleting the selected browsing history” status display to close.
If you need instructions for clearing Firefox or Google Chrome browser caches let me know.
Exit the browser, close all browser windows or select File -> Exit or Alt + F4.
2. Clear the Java Webstart cache. Start -> All Programs -> Accessories Select "Command Prompt" Enter the following command
If there are any errors can you take a screenshot of the error dialog box or the screen.
We also need to know the operating system and browser version that produces the error.
We have tested it successfully on Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows 8.1 (32 bit) OS with both Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.9600.16476 Update 11.0.2) and Google Chrome (32.0.1700.76) , Omniscope Online starts and opens up correctly using the launch button from this page.
This is the version of Java we have tested it on. "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -version java version "1.7.0_51" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode, sharing)
If using a custom jar please update the deployJava.js file on your own webserver to the latest version from Java. This will correctly identify Internet Explorer 11 "Trident" browser for Java Network Launch Protocol (JNLP).
Unfortunately this doesn't help. What we have noticed is that 2.7 still works and 2.9 as well. The problem is only applicable to 2.8. How can we solve this issue? Yesterday, everything worked fine and suddenly nothing works.....
I will send you the error message in a separate email.
Hope you can help. Always happy to share our server with you.
Replace the custom jar on your webserver with the Visokio signed jar downloaded from the above page.
You can check using the webstart page at the url below which generates JNLP, code and and a link to webstart using the original signed jar on the Visokio servers. In "Application Settings" "File to Open:" enter the web link to the IOK file to open.