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"Unknown" and "n/a" import from excel - Visokio Forums
"Unknown" and "n/a" import from excel
  • Pascal     Pascal February 25, 2010 10:24AM
    V2.6 b138

    I imported an excel file into visokio and some cells contained the value "Unknown" while others contained "N/A".
    In both cases, those cells in visokio were imported as empty cells.
    Is it a strandard feature? Is there a way to turn it off so that the cells are actually populated with "Unkonwn" and "N/A"?
  •        mohamed March 16, 2010 11:03AM
    We fixed this issue. We added an option in the Excel import configuration dialog "Auto-convert to empty". which is turned on by default.
    If ticked, "Unknown", "N/A" and similar will be converted to empty values (nulls). If unticked, "Unknown", "N/A" and similar will not be converted and cells will be populated with these values.

    This fix is available from build Omniscope 2.6-alpha b203.

    When importing your excel file in question, File configuration dialog will pop up, in the "Parsing" section, please untick "Auto-convert to empty".
  • Pascal     Pascal March 19, 2010 7:30AM
    Thank you.
    Could you provide the list of strings that will be converted to empty?
  •        mohamed March 19, 2010 2:57PM
    Here is the list of strings that will be converted to empty cells if "Auto-convert to empty" is turned on:
    "no value"
    "None given"
    "Not known"


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