If have two condition called [TotalCommission] and [TotalSales]. I want to put two condtions on these values like [TotalCommission]>0 and [TotalSales]>0 in IF statement. How can I do this question becausI am placing "AND" between this two statement but this does not work.
My current formula looks like:
IF(([GrossTotalCommission]>0 AND [GrossTotalSales]>0),([GrossTotalCommission]/[GrossTotalSales]),(SUM([CJTotalCommission]+[PPJTotalCommission]+[IRTotalFee]+[AdditionalFeeVertive]+[AdditionalFeeDarren])/([CJOrders]+[IROrders]+[PPJOrders]))
EWhat can I add or improve to this statement to get result?
Any help appreciate. Thanks a lot in advance. Amit