One of our data sources is kept as serialized data from php serialize() function.
The data is in the following format: a:3:{i:0;s:2:"74";i:1;s:3:"185";i:2;s:3:"151";} --> total data is 3 contains 74, 185, 151 a:2:{i:0;s:3:"120";i:1;s:3:"119";} --> total data is 2 contains 120, 119 The number of info in this format is vary from 1 - 200.
I would like to get the data in easier format to manage. So I could use de-tokenize function to organize data. Do we have any function to manage this format of data? Thank you.
This is a fairly isolated data format, as such there isn't any easy way to read this into Omniscope directly. I would suggest writing a small program to format the data into CSV or some common format prior to reading it in.
This data is kept in database and we tried to use Omniscope to analyse this data in realtime/scheduler. If we have to export the data from database and use some program to convert them, I am not sure how Omniscope could analyse this data in realtime?
What version of 2.8 are you using? Can you ensure you have installed the latest version (b993). When you open the file you should see a "Custom script" block performing the transformation described by Steve above.