I've added a Variable in DataManager that is populated from a field - if I then update my data source to add new values in this field, it doesn't update the variable, only the initial list is populated?
What are your thoughts on having the Variable automatically reference this field each time the data refreshes, especially if it has been done in DataManager and the user refresh has just populated from a field and not added/removed values after populating?
Andy - Can you post a 'toy' example with source data file and IOK configured to fully define the Variable based on the values in a field of the source file?
Thanks Tom - see attached. Loading "field organiser 2" gives 3 variables (a,b,c), connecting the source directly to "field organiser 2" rather than using the filter and loading still only gives 3 variables even though the variable was produced from the field "value" (created in 2.8 build 908)
OK thanks, this is an Idea rather than a bug...currently the generation of Variables from an incoming field is a one-time rather than dynamic refreshable action.