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Refresh: Update all blocks vs Update from Source? - Visokio Forums
Refresh: Update all blocks vs Update from Source?
  • Alfonso     Alfonso April 2, 2013 7:02AM
    Hi, It's a reflection about how Omniscope refresh data from source, because I have some troubles...

    The experiment was, open the IOK without data and refill it using the standard method suggested in the documentation.


    - Open a IOK file (wich is connected to a Mysql server Database) without data (tools/advanced/debugging/open without data). As result the model is empty (the model has up to 500.000 rows).
    - Database updtate connection for each block (up to 10 different blocks) is configured as update when needed, It is checked and works well.

    Test1: When the IOK without data opened I inserted CTRL F5 (update from source) and after a while it only bring up 12.000 rows.

    Test2: Then I pushed the icon in the tool bar of datamanager tab, called 'update all', as after a huge time (up to 1/2 hour) the result was up to 500.000 rows.

    I'm wondering what I do wrong, because the standard user workflow is CTRL F5 seems not guarantee the correct upto date of my model.

    Please could you help me to understand the correct way to users can refresh data in autonome mode and what is the difference between two methods?.

    Thanks in advance,

    Attached configuration's details image
  •     steve April 2, 2013 8:20AM
    Is there any significance in the 12,000 rows? How often does the source database change? Can you repeat this problem?
  • Alfonso     Alfonso April 3, 2013 3:50AM
    After tests, there is not any issue, only a perception of it. I tried two times, refresh from source option, opening the IOK file without data first and cleaning also the cache at the end, and the results were correct. NO differences between the option Update all in terms of rows imported, only more time if the cache is canceled.

    Sorry for the alarm, and thanks for the suggestions



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