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Content view formulas
  •     acm January 22, 2010 11:33AM
    client has content view that shows calculated sum of a variable.
    Is it possible to have in one view the calculated sum based on the filtering and at the same time have the calculated sum which does not react on the filtering (sum of all data)?
    next step is divide to two.

  •     steve January 22, 2010 12:08PM
    Arjan - not at present, sorry. We'll add it to the list of wanted features.
  •     toes November 4, 2010 9:40AM

    is it possible to use mixed functions like SUBSET_SUM([Sales], SUBSET2([Company], [Year])) in the content view? Although this function works in the Data Manager, in the content view I get the error message: "Fields are not accessible in embedded formulas".

  •     steve November 4, 2010 11:34AM
    Yes; the problem is that the Content view does not allow access to individual records.

    With your use of SUBSET2, you are trying to specify the subset of data with the same company and year values as the "current record" (which is the record being evaluated when you have a field formula).

    But in the Content view, your view is associated with typically the Filtered Data - which can be many records. The formula isn't a field formula, and doesn't have the context of a single record.

    So you can use:
    SUBSET_SUM([Sales], ...) meaning "the sum of Sales for the given set of records"
    SUBSET2([Company], [Year], "Acme", 2010) meaning "the set of records where Company=Acme and Year=2010"
    but cannot use
    SUBSET2([Company], [Year])
    which is shorthand for
    SUBSET2([Company], [Year], [Company], [Year]) meaning "the set of records where Company=[current record's Company] and Year=[current record's Year]"

    The error is a little unclear - you CAN have fields inside Content View formulae, but only in SUBSET and SUBSET_xxx functions as described above.


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