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Filtering: Finding whole words in text strings using only Record Filter? - Visokio Forums
Filtering: Finding whole words in text strings using only Record Filter?
  • aknotts     aknotts January 9, 2013 6:14AM
    I have a record filter and I want to search for the word cot in a piece of text (the whole word cot as in something a baby sleeps in). This is in the context "I want a cot for the baby" and not as in " I went to a cottage". When I put a record filter on the DataManager flow and exter cot in I get cottage, cotswolds, cot returned. So I try "cot " and " cot" and this returns nothing (if I did this in a text filter device then it works). What is the best way to achieve this using only a Record Filter block? I have attached an example.

    Using version 2.7 b452 (03-Dec-2012 14:47:32) r74529

    Thanks, Andy
    COT.iok 7K
  • 1 Comment
  •     chris January 9, 2013 7:59AM
    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the question.

    Unfortunately you can't do this with a record filter in 2.7, as you need to use regular expressions to define a word boundary. We will be adding support for regular expressions in the record filter block in 2.8.

    In the meantime you can do this by adding a field organiser before the record filter. In the field organiser you can use the SEARCHREGEX function to search for the word "COT". You can then use the record filter to filter out the records that don't match this.

    I've attached an example IOK file to demonstrate how this would work.
    filtering.iok 7K


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