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Performance: Multi-field in-View Aggregation? - Visokio Forums
Performance: Multi-field in-View Aggregation?
  • aknotts     aknotts December 12, 2012 10:57AM
    Is there any way to cancel the operation when a Table view is producing an aggregated view. I have a Table view, I set it to selected data only, selected the 4 columns I wanted to aggregate by, set the Data Subset view scope back to 'Filtered Data In' and it's taking ages to aggregate. Is there a way to cancel this operation so I can maybe change the aggregation or do something different altogether. All I have is the "Please wait, changing to table view of filtered data" message on the screen and I can't stop it.

    Thanks, Andy

  • 1 Comment
  •     tjbate December 12, 2012 12:56PM
    Andrew - A 'cancel' button is not feasible at the level of in-view aggregations. If the aggregation is useful across the entire in-memory data set ( loaded in the Omniscope blue box), then using an upstream DataManager Aggregation operation may be better than doing the aggregation inside one view..or even worse, multiple times in multiple views.

    The performance of multi-field aggregation has been greatly improved in version 2.8, so try pre-aggregating the data set in an upstream Aggregation IOK file (using version 2.8 alpha) and use the resulting Aggregation IOK data file as one of the sources for the other end-user Report IOK file at the end of the chain, which may still be managed in version 2.7 if necessary.

    Breaking the process into two files means that one file can be performing the aggregations without interrupting work on configuring the downstream file.


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