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Date/Time: Adding 10 min to a date/time value? - Visokio Forums
Date/Time: Adding 10 min to a date/time value?
  • sara_llamasoft November 23, 2012 10:57AM
    Hi Folks - I'm probably missing something obvious, but here's what I need to do (working in US dates here):
    - I have a date field [RouteDate], e.g. 8/12/2012 (Aug 12)
    - I have a time field [StartTime], e.g. 12:45 (assume 24-hour time)
    - I want to combine these into a date-time field and add 10 minutes, e.g. 8/12/2012 12:55. I'm trying to create a shipment delivery time window. Of course, I want this to be time-date math, so that if the time were 23:55, my new value would be 8/13/2012 00:05.

    I tried many combinations of DATEADD, DATEVALUE, TEXTTODATE but nothing seems to yield the date-time value I'm after.

    Any ideas would be most appreciated.
  •     paola November 23, 2012 12:10PM
    Hi Sarah,
    First you need to form a field that contains date and time by using a formula to merge the existing values:
    TEXTTODATE(([Date]+" "+[Time]), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss",true)
    DATEADD([Date+Time], 10, "minute")

  • sara_llamasoft November 24, 2012 10:28AM
    Thanks, Paola. I tried permutations of this approach. It's possible that there's an Omniscope problem here with US settings if this worked for you in other settings. Because when I use your first TEXTTODATE statement, my result is Aug 12, 2012 with no time. However, if I check it with DATETOTEXT, then I can see the correct time component. I took it a step further and went on to the DATEADD portion where I received Aug 12, 2012 12:10 PM. So it did not properly see my time component.

    To make it all work correctly, I used a DATETOTEXT on your first suggested function, then back again before the DATEADD function.

    Thanks for the ideas!


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