Hi, do you have any plans to add heatmaps beyond what is currently available from the tile view?
Examples would be
Stuart, you shouldn't be using the Tile view for these kinds of plots. Try the Graph view's "Heat map" in the marker options dialog. You can adjust the grid size using the marker size slider.
You can also use the same feature in the Map view to overlay heatmaps using lat/lon coordinates over a map to see (e.g.) population density.
Box plots are something we plan to do in future, although we have had limited demand for them.
I cannot seem to get anything like a "heatmap" to be produced
I have created 3 columns with 10 rows
each column is filled with random numbers between 1-100
All I seem to be able to do is get a 2-dimensional chart with large square markers - nothing like the examples above?
Could you please send me an iok file with an example?