Operating System : 64Bit Windows 7 Enterprise Edition. Omniscope Version : 2.8-alpha b329 (Oct 5, 2012 11:08:02 PM) r72129 Licensed Version : Till Mar 9, 2013 2:02:41 PM IST
We have two flat files and need to join these two flat files to generate the data. Listed below the tables and their corresponding columns. SITES - Siteid, Sitename TRANSPORT - Sourceid, Destinationid, Quantity , Weight
So the requirement is if we join sites.siteid with transport.sourceid, then we get the Source Name Then if we join sites.siteid with transport.destinationid , then we get the Destination Name.
Please help me in creating the same in Omniscope file by using the 'Merge/Join' Operation.
If we had considering these flat files as tables and written the join condition, the query looks as mentioned below. SELECT so.siteid sourceid , so.sitename sourcename , de.siteid descid , de.sitename descname, t.qty, t.weight FROM temp_sites so , temp_transport t , temp_sites de WHERE de.siteid = t.descid AND so.siteid = t.sourceid
So now we need to create an iok file based on this query.
Initially we had imported both the flat files to Oracle Temp tables, written a custom query as mentioned above and were able to retrieve the desired results. But when running the same in production table with around 1 million data , the custom SQL is not progressing , it is stuck at 8% only for a long time and the Application does not respond after some time. System Config : 16GB Ram , i3 Quad Core Processor 3.30 GHz , 64Bit Windows 7 Enterprise Edition.
Hi - What custom SQL are you using? If you are filtering by a specific field you may need to ensure that field is indexed, for example if you are using a custom query such as "SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE WHERE SOME_FIELD=SOME_VALUE" you will need to ensure SOME_FIELD is indexed.
Hi - Yes, you can join the flat files. Simply drag them into a DataManager workflow, and in the configuration options change the "Cell separator" option to ";". Then add a Merge/Join block
Yesterday i was giving the wrong join condition while joining the tables. In this example we have tables A1, A2 & B where A1 & A2 are same tables, joining these tables with two join conditions so that we get source & destination names from the two tables based on the value in table B.
Attaching the *.iok file of this file, just in case if it's helpful
Hi - Unfortunately I don't really understand what your asking here. I think it would be best if we could take this off the forums, and instead arrange a phone call/screen-sharing session. I've sent you an email so you have my contact details. Feel free to contact me to arrange this.
Sorry Chris if i had confused, in the last post i had mentioned that the issue is resolved and i was able to join the tables successfully . Hence attached the iok file as well.