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Aggregation: Formula Result option for Views? - Visokio Forums
Aggregation: Formula Result option for Views?
  •     shaji_o October 14, 2012 11:46PM
    I've created a CPQ variable in the DataExplorer section as when I generated it in DataManager and sliced it by different variables I'd get odd values. Adding a table to DataExplorer meant I could aggregate that variable and select the option 'Formula Result'. This gives me the right answer.

    However I can't see this option for graphs. Is this option available for a line/bar graph? Or any other graph for that matter?
  •     tjbate October 15, 2012 11:05AM
    Shaji - To clarify, in Omniscope, a Variable is an input/assumption value that can be changed by the end user, using an interactive device exposed in DataExplorer tabs.

    If you add a formula field to calculate/evaluate a new value based on other values in other columns of the data set, this is a 'Formula result'. The aggregation menu drop-down available for each View in DataExplorer offers the option to display the aggregated values as a formula result, meaning to aggregate the data first, then apply your formula logic.

    Views like the Bar/Line View perform in-View aggregations based on split-by settings, rather than only the View Toolbar Aggregation drop down, but it is still available. You should be able to use the Aggregation drop-down in the Bar/Line view, or any other View and specify 'Formula result' for any formula field.

    If you want to change the calculational precedence, and calculate your formula based on un-aggregated row values, then apply an aggregation function like Mean to the calculated values, do not choose 'Formula result' as the aggregation function to apply to that field.
  •     steve October 16, 2012 4:14AM
    Further clarification:

    Aggregating and choosing "Formula result" means your formulas are re-evaluated upon the aggregated data, and also respond to filtering.

    Aggregation is available in all views via the Aggregate menu.

    Additionally, the Bar/line view supports "Formula" measures in the Measures menu, allowing you to add as many arbitrary calculations as you like driving bars, lines or markers.
  •     shaji_o October 17, 2012 1:18AM
    To have the option available for the bar graph I just needed to aggregate the data before hand. Thanks
  •     shaji_o October 23, 2012 8:29PM
    I've got a further question around this...

    I have 2 tabs set up in data explorer -
    1. Static report split by month (quotes, cost, CPQ)
    2. Same as above, but can be filtered by site, creative, ad etc

    For the first tab I've aggregated the data to the month level and some the measures quotes and cost. CPQ is set as 'Formula result' and the correct value is shown

    For the second tab I need to aggregate the data to month, site, creative, ad etc. When I use Formula result for CPQ I don't get the correct answer. The graph is still split by month, but the aggregation is to a different level.

    Is there a way to show the correct CPQ in the second instance?
  •     paola October 24, 2012 7:37AM
    Hi Shaji, could you please send me a file/ sample to , so I can have a look? thanks


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