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Macs: Opening more than one Omniscope file at a time? - Visokio Forums
Macs: Opening more than one Omniscope file at a time?
  • alicew October 3, 2012 11:06AM
    Hello, I have been working with my colleagues, and they use the Windows version of Visokio, they are able to launch more than one file in DataManager at the same time. On my Mac, this does not appear to be the case, and it is asking me to close my current file. I am also still using the free trail version version, is this a factor?

    Thanks, Alice

  •     zsolt October 4, 2012 5:07AM
    Hi alicew,

    you can run multiple copies of Omniscope and open multiple files at the same time on Mac too, but it's a little bit tricky. You can launch the first instance normally, by clicking the application icon, but you need to use the Terminal to launch additional copies.

    Open the Terminal by clicking Applications > Utilities >

    In the Terminal window, type the following, and press return:

    open -n /Applications/"Visokio"

    A new instance of Omniscope should launch. You can type this command as many times as you like, to launch multiple instances, and open a separate file in each.

    A quick tip: if you press the up arrow in the Terminal window, the last used command will appear, and you can repeat it by pressing return. This can save you a lot of typing.

    I hope this helps!
  • alicew October 4, 2012 7:02AM
    Thanks I just got it to work


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