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Pie View: How to COUNT records instead of SUM? - Visokio Forums
Pie View: How to COUNT records instead of SUM?
  • ZhouNan September 21, 2012 11:38AM

    I am new to Omniscope and trying to create a simple demo for a transaction table.

    In the Pie View, I can select desired columns as Split and Measurement. But, when I select Amount as measurement column, the system automatically defaults the aggregation to SUM, and there is no place to change it.

    Basically, what I am trying to achieve is to COUNT the number of Payments(Amount) column in the split instead of SUM all the amount values together in the split.

    I also noticed that COUNT can be added in the Statistics box, but it is not what required.

    Could anyone help me on this? Thank you very much! - Nan
  •     paola September 21, 2012 12:37PM
    In the Measures menu, next to the selected measure, there will be a link you can click on, that will provide you with a list of functions - Sum, Mean, Mode... If the Count doesn't appear, click on the Common functions button above, for more choice.
    You should be able to select Non-empty count or Empty count.
  • ZhouNan September 24, 2012 4:44AM
    Hi Paola,

    Thanks for the reply, I have gone back to the demo; and the options you mentioned are not available in PIE view which are available in the BAR/LINE view.
    PLEASE see attachments.

    But, I noticed that in the PIE view Measurement menu, there is a Number of Records option can be selected which counts the number of record in terms of rows.

    Is it the maximum which can be achieved in the PIE view?

    Pie.png 27K
    Bar_Line.png 27K
  •     paola September 24, 2012 7:04AM
    I was looking at 'new Pie View', as available in 2.8... and you are using 2.7.
    In Measures menu you can use number of records, as you mentioned, and you can point the Pie View to filtered data or a query that will result in one record for one payment.
    That way number of records should give you Payments count.
    Please let me know if this works.
  • ZhouNan September 24, 2012 7:10AM
    Thanks for the info Paola!
    Number of Records option does output payment count.

    By the way, is it true that 2.7 is the latest version available and is 2.8 going to be released soon..?
  •     paola September 24, 2012 7:21AM
    That is true, 2.8 will be released soon, before the end of the year.


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