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Merge/Join: Adding Data to 2 existing files? - Visokio Forums
Merge/Join: Adding Data to 2 existing files?
  • DJRH August 31, 2012 6:09PM
    How can we map a Source File to a Target File...and while transferring data , how can we Transform the source data as desired and then write to the target File. Example

    Source File has 2 Column
    First Name and Last Name

    Target File has 3 Column
    First Name , Last Name and Age.

    I want to Move the data from Source File to Target File (Already has Some Data) and Add age value to name of the person coming from the source.

    I would appreciate , if somebody can help me do that....

  • 1 Comment
  •     tjbate September 4, 2012 6:19AM
    Hans - The answer to this depends on the pattern data in the two files...

    If the Source and Target files already contain mostly the same values for First Name and Last Name, then in DataManager import both files using File Source Blocks, then Merge the two files with 2 join criteria (both First Name and Last Name) to give you one Result file with the existing values in the Age field preserved, and any mis-matches on First/Last names left over.

    You will still have to add the missing Ages to the Result file...


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