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Cross-Tab Data Selection - Visokio Forums
Cross-Tab Data Selection
  • wrboyle80 October 29, 2009 8:05PM
    I'm working with data that I've set to be displayed in a variety of tabs. There is quite a bit to be displayed so using a single tab doesn't necessarily work. My issue is that a data selection/restriction made in one tab (for instance selecting one of several countries) isn't cascaded to the other tabs. What I would like to do is link the tabs in some way so that the data (or data subset) being viewed in one tab is the same for all tabs. Has anyone else found a way to make this happen? Thanks for the help!
  •     steve October 30, 2009 8:39AM
    Selection and filtering don't normally carry across to other tabs, but there are two features you can try which may help.

    Queries: Use the Queries button on the main toolbar to create a query from the filters or from your selection in a view. Queries are cross-tab and will be available in other tabs. Use the Queries button to restore a query to the filter devices, or configure each view to show the query using the Subset button on the view toolbar.

    Advanced tabs without query state: Choose Tab > New > From current layout (advanced). In the dialog, untick "Query state". Use this to create all your tabs. Now, when switching between tabs, your filters should remain unaffected (providing the devices are available), but your views will change. Each tab is now merely a "views and configuration" preset, with no affect on filtering.


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