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Replace Embedded Return - Visokio Forums
This is a static archive of all forums posts up to 28 Oct 2017; the new Omniscope forums are here.
Replace Embedded Return
  • Hudachekg August 1, 2012 6:20PM
    I've got an Excel file that has embedded carriage returns in one of the columns. I want to use Omniscope to reformat and output the data as a .CSV file but the embedded returns are causing the resulting data to break mid-record. Any suggestions on how I can eliminate the embedded returns?
  •     paola August 2, 2012 6:14AM
    you should use Expand operation block and use carriage return as a separator.
    It should be "\n" or you can try to copy/paste the character.
    You can choose .CSV as output in your Data File Output block.
  •     steve August 2, 2012 10:07AM
    When you import cells from Excel with embedded line breaks, these should be preserved inside Omniscope cells, and if you export as CSV using default CSV options, the cells will be quoted, also preserving those linebreaks. If you then re-import, the linebreaks should *still* be preserved in Omniscope.

    It could be that your CSV options aren't the default, and you aren't using a cell separator character (typically a double-quote character). Or perhaps you are importing the well-formed CSV produced by Omniscope in a 3rd party application that doesn't handle this kind of issue correctly.
  • Hudachekg August 2, 2012 11:06AM
    I don't want to keep the returns, I want to remove them. The vendor to whom I'm sending the data can't handle the embedded returns in the CSV file. I've tried doing a global replace using MS Word but the file is very large and it gets updated weekly so that's not a long-term option.
  •     paola August 2, 2012 12:14PM
    Not sure if you tried the Expand operation, as suggested earlier?
    If that doesn't work for some reason, please try Search/Replace operation to replace the carriage return with space, other character or leave blank if you wish to simply remove it.
  • Hudachekg August 2, 2012 6:38PM
    I had tried Search/Replace but that only removed some of them. I added a second, identical replace rule within the block and that took care of the problem.


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