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bad_record_Mac - Visokio Forums
  • Alexander     Alexander July 16, 2012 3:54AM

    I've got a strange situation on our new server. In different datamanagers I use email-outputs. In some datamanager the emailoutput works without a problem, in other datamanagers the emailoutput doesn't work. If gives the following error:

    Connection has been shutdown: Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac

    What could be the solution? The settings in both outputs are identical. Thank you.
  •     steve July 16, 2012 5:53AM
    Please give me / answer:
    • Omniscope server operating system name and version; please also file an error report from the server in question and cross-reference this discussion
    • Email server details: operating system, server version, SSL sections of the configuration file, certificate details
    • Does this happen consistently for the same email server?
    • Direct access to your email server using a test account (email privately to
  • Alexander     Alexander July 16, 2012 6:00AM
    Hi Steve,

    - Omniscope server plus 2.7 b387 running on Windows 2008 R2 server. I do not get an error report prompt.
    - Emailserver: Gmail
    - The behaviour is not consistent, in 2 datamanagers with identical outputblocks, one works the other doesn't.
    - As the emailaccount is Gmail, I think the last bullet is not applicable?

  •     steve July 16, 2012 6:59AM
    When you say not consistent - do you mean it always works in one file and never works in the other, or is completely random?

    Please temporarily tick "Report recognised errors as bugs" in the advanced misc settings menus, and reproduce, then click the red error link and report the bug, cross-referencing this post.
  • Alexander     Alexander July 16, 2012 7:41AM

    I just sent the error report. It always works in one file and never works in the other.
    So it is not completely random.

  • Alexander     Alexander July 16, 2012 7:42AM
    Report ID: 19635
  •     steve July 17, 2012 10:05AM
    I received the error, thank you. Are you finding the *same* PC works for one DM workflow, and not for another? There's no logical reason for this, other than a configuration difference in the email block.

    Please check very carefully that all email server settings are identical, for example the SSL option. If this doesn't fix it, we'll do a session and take a look.
  • Alexander     Alexander July 17, 2012 10:29AM
    Hi Steve,

    When can we do a
    I rechecked all the settings, and am really convinced that all the settings are the same.
  •     chris July 17, 2012 11:43AM

    I've sent you an email.


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