I looked everywhere, but didn't see where/how I can change colour of the text above and below bar charts. The reason why I'd like to do this is because, as you can see via the link below, that I've imported a [background] image that renders the default text colour nearly invisible. Any way, in this example, that I can change the text colour to white?
James Sandoval SVP & Managing Director, EMEA BrightTag
When using background images behind charts, it's best to turn down the opacity / transparency so the image is faded. You'll see the same effect, for example, in television when a bar chart or line graph is shown on top of a blurred, faded freeze-frame. I recommend turning the text back to black, and turning the image down to 50% transparency (Layout > Background image > Transparency). This will create a white-blended background image.
If you did this, you'd create the same richness of display but without detracting from the readability of the visualisation and its text.
If you want, also try a black-blended background image by turning the text to white and the [Layout > Configure styles > Canvas > Background colour] to black.
To answer your original question, yes, you can change the colour of the text in the views. Visit Layout > Configure Styles > Views > Text colour. But if you use full opacity of your image, you'll need to find a colour gaudy enough to contrasts suitably with the light AND dark colours of your image, so I recommend the above approach instead.
I see. I tried that. Didn't like the effect. When the image is at full visibility, the impact is much richer.
Any chance you can you can add colour and/or font tools to allow text changes in bar and/or other charts? Or chalk this request down as a feature request.
Thanks again,
James Sandoval SVP & Managing Director, EMEA BrightTag