Attiyyah - Omniscope does not allow tokenisation (multiple values per cell with specified delimiter) of continuous Numeric (Integer or Decimal) or Date/time data types. If you import or create multiple value per cell entries, fro example by aggregating on a field and specifying a 'Unique Values list' aggregation function for one or more fields typed Numeric or Date/Time, Omniscope will re-type the column/field as Text/Category, and you will be able to filter etc. on the individual text values only if you explictly type the field/column as Text/Category and declared it to be tokenised.
If subsequent parsing of the tokenised delimited text string removes the multiple values per cell condition, and you have the 'Auto-convert data typing' option turned on for the relevant block or stage in the data flow, the single Text values will be re-typed as Numeric. There is also a NUMVAL function that will read a text string that represents a number and re-interpret it as an actual numeric value.