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Is the 2.4 viewer compatible with 2.5? - Visokio Forums
Is the 2.4 viewer compatible with 2.5?
  •     steve July 11, 2009 2:34PM
    We are frequently asked these questions, or similar ones:

    "If I create an IOK file using Omniscope 2.5, can it be opened in Omniscope 2.4?"
    "If I create an IOK file using Omniscope 2.3, how does it open in Omniscope 2.4?"
  • 1 Comment
  •     steve July 11, 2009 2:44PM
    The answer in nearly all cases is "Yes, the file can be opened", and "The file opens as it was saved".

    There are some exceptions to this, in particular if you are using new functionality in the IOK file, it will be unavailable in the older version of Omniscope. For a full explanation, please see:


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