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Export: Exporting this view's data subset? - Visokio Forums
Export: Exporting this view's data subset?
  •     naruemon March 30, 2012 4:18AM
    In some tabs, the queries & filters are applied and the some fields are selected to create a specific visible subset in Table View. If this filtered data is exported (via select File > Export> Export Data File), all the fields which are loaded to Omniscope block will be exported also. Then, all fields have to be re-arranged again. It might be better if there has some feature to export data as showed in the Table View?
  •     steve March 30, 2012 4:46AM
    In the view, choose "Tools > Export view data". For all views this will preserve aggregations. For the table view, it will also preserve column order, and hidden columns will be excluded - precisely what you want.
  •     naruemon March 30, 2012 9:08AM
    That is very useful function.
    Thank you so much ^_^
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