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Configurable colouring of the "ALL" bar when using Splits in the bar view - Visokio Forums
Configurable colouring of the "ALL" bar when using Splits in the bar view
  • VoteVote Up2Vote Down     Phillipa March 29, 2012 4:27AM

    I have just created a bar graph split by "institution" and clicked on the "include total/summary value "All" " in the split menu to give me an extra bar for the total of my institutions. THe only problem is that my bar is coloured white and therefore not visible.

    Apparently, if colouring by a field, and one bar represents "All" or a mix of field values, you get white, which is not currently configurable.

    It would be great if this could be changed.


  •     mustafa July 26, 2012 4:45AM
    This feature has been implemented in 2.8 which is now available, click here for more information.

    You will be able to change the All or Other bar colour by going to Style > Data colours and changing the "Mixed data colour".
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