Omniscope doesn't yet support taxonomy filters directly but these can be created using formulas.
Let's say you have several text fields containing free text which you want to search for a number of predefined keywords. You want a checkbox to appear in the filters for each keyword, as follows:
Data table:
1 | Some text including eggs
2 | Some other text including eggs and bacon
3 | Some text including bread
In this case, you might be interested in the keywords "Eggs", "Bacon" and "Bread".
Isolating "Eggs" will result in records 1 and 2, since they both contain those keywords.
In Omniscope 2.5, choose Data menu > Formulas > Add formula field.
Enter "Taxonomy" as the field name.
Copy and paste the following formula exactly, then carefully customise it (being careful not to miss out a comma) as needed to match your keywords:
If you have more than one field, change [Description] to [Field1]+[Field2].
Finally, open Data menu > Manage fields, and find Taxonomy. Ensure the data type is Category (if not, convert), and choose Options > Tokenized. You will be prompted for the token separator character; leave as a comma, unless you have customised it in the formula.
This should result in a filter as described.