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Performance: Managing disk cache size & location? - Visokio Forums
Performance: Managing disk cache size & location?
  •     mburgess February 10, 2012 4:54AM
    hi ...i am aware Omniscope creates temporary files on the hard drive equivalent to the memory in use by the iok file for the individual processes within it. My question is we have a PC with a small C drive (free space 5GB), but a much bigger D (free space 50GB)

    i have had the message that action cannot be completed because not enough disk space from Scheduler

    Will this be because 5GB is not enough or 55GB is not enough (memory in use by javaw.exe was just over 50GB just before i got the message).

    My question is essentially can we increase the D drive or add more hard drive space internally for visokio to use or does it need to be on the C drive?

    Thanks, Matt
  •     steve February 10, 2012 11:50AM
    Currently the cache defaults to a folder in the system temp folder, typically "C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\Temp\vo_bindiskcache3".

    Its size is automatically determined on starting Omniscope to be the lesser of 20% of the free space on that disk and 5gb.

    So in your case you'd be limited to a 1gb cache - too small for large data files; you will find that blocks will need to refresh from source too often.

    You can't currently customise this through the UI. Instead you need to edit the file and add the following JVM arguments:
    • binaryDiskCacheLimitMb: Disable automatic sizing and specify a fixed size in MB; you must ensure there is enough disk space.
    • binaryDiskCacheLocation: Path to custom location

    Each argument must be prefixed "-D". For example, you might want to configure yours as:
    ADDITIONAL_JVM_ARGS=-DbinaryDiskCacheLimitMb=20000 -DbinaryDiskCacheLocation="D:\omniscope_cache"
    This results in a 20gb cache on the D drive.

    Due to a fault which has today been fixed, these options won't work in your version - you will need to update to tonight's build, 2.7 b239 or later, to get the fix.

    Note that one idea we're considering is allowing you to specify a fixed cache location on a per-project basis. So in a given IOK file DataManager model, you could choose to have a cache folder adjacent to the IOK file. This would prevent other models from flushing data out of the first model's cache; currently data is flushed from the cache when it fills up with other more recently accessed data.
  •     steve February 17, 2012 5:31AM
    Sved, Matt - did you customise the cache? If so, did it help performance?
  •     mburgess February 17, 2012 9:57AM
    yes, thanks - but when we had run out of disk space i deleted the cache & tried to re-start, it didn't work, i ended up re-booting as obviously it hadnt removed the cache (aware scheduler clears this, but not aware if there is an option anywhere in omniscope itself)

    anyway - completed what i needed to do.
  • Alfonso     Alfonso June 6, 2013 12:16PM
    Hi Steve,

    Question 1): ADDITIONAL_JVM_ARGS=-DbinaryDiskCacheLocation 'one idea we're considering is allowing you to specify a fixed cache location on a per-project basis' you said in the February 10, 2012 5:50PM is it implemented in 2.8
    If yes, could you give us the correct sentence to manage it?.
    Question 2): ADDITIONAL_JVM_ARGS=-DbinaryDiskCacheLimitMb, If disk space is not a problem Is it necessary to be implemented, how the sisstem acts in case it isn't implemented?.

    Thanks in advance,

  •     steve June 7, 2013 3:58AM

    1) No, we have not introduced this in 2.8; we haven't seen enough evidence to justify it.

    2) This is the behaviour:

    a. If binaryDiskCacheLimitMb is specified, it is used exactly.

    b. Otherwise, if Omniscope is able to determine the free space on the drive containing the system TEMP folder, 20% of free disk space is the limit, further capped to 5gb maximum.

    c. Otherwise, 100mb is used.

    In the last error report submitted by you on the PC called "VISOKIO" (8 days ago), Omniscope was using 5gb, meaning your system had at least 25gb free.

    You should only set this property if you need a larger cache, which may improve performance when working with complex models, but only if you have enough free disk space.



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