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Filtering data automatically every month - Visokio Forums
Filtering data automatically every month
  • VoteVote Up1Vote Down JorgenP February 1, 2012 11:01AM
    Hi guys

    I have been struggling to find a way to filter my data, so I hope you have some good ideas.

    Every single month I am getting data for the entire month. I would like to have a sql filter or insert a command in sql, that only would give me only the last 4 weeks of data.

    I am getting all my data from Access which is send to visokio through a pass through ODBC method.

    At the moment I have a lot of data that is been passed through and this is slowing down the process when moving from one tab to another.

    Do any of you have an idea of how can get this to work? I have week, month, quarter and year to use as a filter.
    I would like the filter or command to be self providing regarding what data to use.
    For instant - i dont want to have to change any dates every month, but instead just send all my data from access to visokio, and with doing anything, except for pressing "load", and it will automatically filter my latest data out.

  •     tjbate February 2, 2012 12:46PM
    Jorgen - I have re-classified this as an idea. Essentially what you need is a way to convert all the steps in your Omniscope DataManager filtered data flow into an SQL statement that could be exported from Omniscope and used to define a database view limiting the volume of data coming into Omniscope from the upstream relational (SQL-based) repositories, in your case, Access.

    For now, you will have to define the reporting view in Access using SQL yourself, or find someone you can show your DataManager data flow and help you derive the equivalent SQL-generated reporting view in Access. You would then use this view (rather than a collection of tables) as the source for refreshing your Omniscope Report IOK file.
  • JorgenP February 3, 2012 4:04AM
    Hey Tjbate - just to make sure, I understand you correctly. I won't be able to perform this task in Omniscope at the moment - so the setup that I will have to do, will have to be done in Access?

    If you by a coincidence is coming across a way to make this sql in access or ideas for is - feel free to share :)

    Thanks for you input.

    Have a great day too
  •     tjbate February 3, 2012 7:47AM
    Yes - If you want to limit the data set coming into Omniscope, you must define the SQL statement that returns only that data set as a materialised view using the source database(s).

    The idea for voting is to be able to generate a rough version of the SQL statement defining the source reporting view as an export from a defined data flow in Omniscope.


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