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Graph/line view - Y axis counting values - Visokio Forums
Graph/line view - Y axis counting values
  • anna January 25, 2012 7:31AM
    Hello - I wanted to use a line graph to monitor registrations over time. I have a Date column and a Customer ID column with unique Customer IDs. If I would be using Excel, I would pivot the data to obtain the count of the daily registrations (count of unique Customer IDs). I'm not sure how to obtain the same result in Omniscope Dashboard though. I

    I've attached the sample with the initial data in the "raw data" tab and the result I'm looking for in the "result" tab.
    I would appreciate your help! Thanks - Anna
    Omni_reg_example.xlsx 544K
  • Soruban January 25, 2012 10:14AM
    Hi - You can achieve this by performing an aggregation. Either use an "Aggregate" block in DataManager or the Data Explorer option in "Data->Operations->Aggregate". You would set the Daily as being split by unique values and the Customer ID as being aggregated by unique value count.

    I have attached a demo IOK using your Excel data. For additional information about aggregation, you may find the following video tutorial useful:
    Attachments 285K
  • anna January 25, 2012 11:29AM
    Thanks Soruban, works fine.
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