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Connector: Google Translate Paid API account? - Visokio Forums
Connector: Google Translate Paid API account?
  • VoteVote Up0Vote Down     TomW October 11, 2011 9:23AM
    Hi - I have a Google Translate block within one of my dashboard data flows. Normally it works correctly but this time when executing the new data I have been given the following error:
    "Google server error. Unable to translate text to English. Quota exceeded. please see Vale: POEDER"

    I have visited the url and it states the following:
    ": Google Translate API v2 is now available as a paid service. The courtesy limit for existing Translate API v2 projects created prior to August 24, 2011 will be reduced to zero on December 1, 2011. In addition, the number of requests your application can make per day will be limited. Google Translate API v1 will be shut off completely on the same date (December 1, 2011); it was officially deprecated on May 26, 2011."

    Does this mean that Google Translate is now not possible within Omniscope without purchasing a licence/paying to do so? I guess this also means that I must now translate elsewhere manually and load this into my dashboard separately?

    I am also confused because I have another Google Translate box in the same DataManager that has a lot more data running through it and it has not come up with any issues at all despite this being run second?

    Many thanks
  •     steve October 11, 2011 10:40AM
    Tom, I'm afraid I can't comment on how Google implement their quota. We knew this issue was coming when Google announced it would be discontinuing the free service.

    We have plans to introduce support for the new paid version of Google Translate (which is very affordable - $20 per million characters - see

    We also have plans to support other translation web services.

    I've reclassified this as an idea; please vote.
  •     TomW October 11, 2011 12:04PM
    Thank you for your reply Steve.

    I was wondering if you are aware of the reason why it would allow me to translate a section that contains 1200 records AFTER rejecting a translation on 333 records? If there is a limit I would have thought that if it is going to reject a 333 section then it would definitely reject 1200?
  •     steve October 11, 2011 12:13PM
    I have no understanding of the method Google uses to implement their quota. Sorry. We'll look into supporting the paid API as soon as possible.


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