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R Statistics (2.7) - Visokio Forums
R Statistics (2.7)
  •     steve September 30, 2011 7:18AM
    The R Statistics operation, available in as a DataManager operation block and also via Data > Operations, allows you execute R scripts to transform your data, such as performing k-means clustering. It is currently in development.

    Feel free to explore it and the "Data > R Statistics > R operations library" dialog.

    Behind the scenes, it works be taking one or more input datasets and optional input parameters, exporting the data and values to R as variables, executing the R script, and importing the data back, which becomes the output of the operation/block.

    You can either build up a library of scripts which you use later, or can cut your own scripts ad-hoc in each block. We'll be providing (soon) a set of bundled scripts with Omniscope for performing common statistical tasks such as clustering, so you can perform these tasks without any knowledge of R.

    When you design a script, you specify how many input datasets it has, and how many input parameters (and their types / configuration). You then write the script, with the corresponding variable names listed at the side.

    When you use a script in DataManager, you pick from the library, link up one or more input blocks, and customise the values for any parameters that script has, before clicking Execute. For example, k-means clustering would have 1 input dataset, which must already be normalised, and would require you to tick the fields to perform clustering upon, resulting in the original data table with additional fields containing the cluster number and other statistical results.
  •     Keesup September 30, 2011 11:22AM
    To utilise R's matrix math capabilities it would be useful to generate "matrices" from omniscope. currently each field in omniscope is a vector as far as R is concerned, it would be nice to select several fields which then "concatenates" as one matrix for input into an R script.
  •     steve September 30, 2011 1:09PM
    I'm not sure this is necessary. Omniscope allows you to pass all data to R, so you can perform any further concatenate/append operation within R.
  •     bfromson1 October 4, 2011 6:44AM
    Any sample available yet? Just need something to act as a simple template to get started.

  •     steve October 4, 2011 10:04AM
    Alpha partners such as yourself can download from
    The last build available from 30th Sept should have all the latest R functionality.


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