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Google Analytics - download all reports at once? - Visokio Forums
Google Analytics - download all reports at once?
  • VoteVote Up0Vote Down checkyourfuel     checkyourfuel April 10, 2009 1:39PM
    Is it not possible to set-up Omniscope's link with GA to enable the downloading pre-configured GA reports in one fell swoop? vs. logging in several times to draw down the data into multiple files?
    James Sandoval
    SVP & Managing Director, EMEA

    T: +44 7740 284 164
    Twitter: @checkyourfuel
  •     chris April 14, 2009 4:44PM

    At the moment you can only download one Google Analytics report at a time into Omniscope.

    It would be possible to aggregate the data from multiple reports into a single table and use a named query for each report to allow different views to show data from different reports. This would be fairly simple to implement; the report selection drop-down box in the Google Analytics import dialog would be replaced with a series of checkboxes (one for each report). You could combine data from multiple reports by checking more than one box. You could combine the data from all of the reports by checking all of the boxes.

    Do you think this type of functionality would be useful or are people more likely to view reports individually?


  • checkyourfuel     checkyourfuel April 14, 2009 10:00PM
    I like this idea "the report selection drop-down box in the Google Analytics import dialog would be replaced with a series of checkboxes (one for each report)" and, yes, I believe that my [target] customers would find this more useful/valuable vs. the current config. This also gets around the issue I raised earlier re: multiple logins to pull data via each drop-down option.
    James Sandoval
    SVP & Managing Director, EMEA

    T: +44 7740 284 164
    Twitter: @checkyourfuel
  •     andy_white November 9, 2012 11:23AM
    Hi Chris,

    Couple of follow up questions on this. What was the synopsis of having multiple reports select-able? Also, what would be extremely useful, would be the ability to select multiple profiles, we have one client who has 100+ sites and want to use this to pull data across all of them. Not easy if we need to run separate queries for each one!

  •     chris November 9, 2012 11:36AM
    Hi Andy,

    It would be very easy to add support for selecting multiple profiles. We do this in the next day or so in Omniscope 2.8.

    Slightly more tricky would be adding the ability to select multiple reports in one go. The main reason why this is more tricky is that there is a "Custom" report option, where you can choose your own set of dimensions and metrics. It would be easy enough to allow you to choose multiple pre-defined reports, but more tricky to incorporate one or more "Custom" reports into this. It could still be done, but it would take much more time. It may be worth speaking to us directly if this is a pressing requirement.
  •     chris November 9, 2012 12:13PM
    Slight correction to my previous post, you can already select multiple profiles in Omniscope 2.8.


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