Popular - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/vanilla/discussions/popular/p6/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 14:38:48 -0400 Popular - Visokio Forums en-CA Sidebar filters: Only one value at a time? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1669/sidebar-filters-only-one-value-at-a-times Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:01:54 -0400 benjamin 1669@/discussions I would only like them to be able to select one(1) currency at a time , is there any way I can do this in Omniscope ?
A workaround would be to create a seperate text choice of currency and then a separate field?
Thanks Ben]]>
Omniscope Online: Could not initialize class com.visokio.core.CoreInit http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/748/omniscope-online-could-not-initialize-class-com.visokio.core.coreinit Thu, 05 May 2011 12:55:16 -0400 walsh 748@/discussions Error starting application: java.lan.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.visokio.core.CoreInit
as well as the instruction to contact you (see attached).
It's not restricted to my machine - several colleagues have had the same experience.
Any ideas?
Security: SSL Certificate Error - Use your trusted certificate http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1365/security-ssl-certificate-error-use-your-trusted-certificate Wed, 07 Mar 2012 06:47:47 -0500 antonio 1365@/discussions "Server SSL error
The server you are connecting to does not have a valid certificate from an authorised authority".

This happens if the server certificate is not issued by certification authority, and it is self signed or issued by a private CMS.

If you trust the server, you can add the server certificate to your trusted Java key store, and allow Omniscope to use it as trusted and verified certificate.

The cause of the problem and solution are both well explained in this article.

Here are the steps to allow Omniscope to recognise and use your server certificate:

  1. Use InstallCert tool
    - Get the InstallCert.java file from http://code.google.com/p/java-use-examples/source/browse/trunk/src/com/aw/ad/util/InstallCert.java
    - Compile the file using the "javac" command:
    javac InstallCert.java

  2. Add your server certificate
    - Run InstallCert, with the server hostname and https port (if available), then press “1” when ask for input:
    java InstallCert myserver.com:8080
    - Check the process has finished and generated a file named “jssecacerts“ in the same folder you run the InstallCert tool.

  3. Launch Omniscope with JVM parameter
    - See "Additional JVM arguments" here http://www.visokio.com/kb/installconfig .
    - Update your installconfig.properties file to have the following line:
    - Start Omniscope.

For the sake of simplicity, please find attached a zip file with the 2 InstallCert tool classes already compiled and ready to run.]]>
Scheduler: Running multiple instances concurrently http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1469/scheduler-running-multiple-instances-concurrently Fri, 13 Apr 2012 11:12:26 -0400 michael 1469@/discussions
In the text below:

1) Change YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME for you correspondent account name.

2.1) If you have User specific installation (not system-wide) replace OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR for:

C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app

2.1) If you have system wide installation, replace OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR for:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Visokio Omniscope

Make sure that the path exists.


1) In your service directory


Create 2..N folders s1..sN

2) In each directory create config.xml file
and set different/correspondent port and configurationFilePath:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schedulerConfig configurationFilePath="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\s1\config.xml" port="24680" forkScheduledExecution="false" logDebug="false" logDetail="false" watchFolder="watch" watchPollingInterval="40">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schedulerConfig configurationFilePath="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\s2\config.xml" port="24682" forkScheduledExecution="false" logDebug="false" logDetail="false" watchFolder="watch" watchPollingInterval="40">

and create executable file run_scheduler.bat (if you have x64 version, leave it as in the example below otherwise change for x86 )

For Omniscope 2.7
set CONF_DIR=%1
"OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\x64\bin\java.exe" -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -DschedulerConfigLocation="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml" -Xms64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx6183M -Dvisokio.localappdata="C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local" -Dvisokio.winproxyenable="0" -Dvisokio.winproxyserver="" -cp "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\Main.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\mail.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\activation.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\plugins\bccrypto.jar" com.visokio.ent.EntLaunch -scheduler

From Omniscope 2.8
set CONF_DIR=%1
"OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\x64\bin\java.exe" -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -DschedulerConfigLocation="OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml" -Xms64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=30 -XX:NewRatio=8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xmx6183M -Dvisokio.localappdata="C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local" -Dvisokio.winproxyenable="0" -Dvisokio.winproxyserver="" -cp "OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\Main.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\mailapi.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\smtp.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\pop3.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\imap.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\dsn.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\lib\activation.jar;OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\plugins\bccrypto.jar" com.visokio.ent.EntLaunch -server

From Omniscope 3.0
set CONF_DIR=%1
"OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\OmniscopeEnterprise.exe" "/jvmarg=-DschedulerConfigLocation=OMNISCOPE_INSTALL_DIR\service\%CONF_DIR%\config.xml"

4) Start schedulers using run_scheduler.bat and passing folder names s1, s2, ... sN as a parameter:

run_scheduler.bat s1
run_scheduler.bat s2
run_scheduler.bat sN

You can do it into two ways.

a) You can create Shortcuts. Right-click on your Desktop->New->Shortcut.

Specify the path to your run_scheduler.bat file and pass the parameter, for example on my computer it is:

"C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app\run_scheduler.bat" s1

b) Alternatively you can run the command from Windows Console - cmd.exe

5) In C:\Users\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\scheduler\log.txt you should see log messages from all schedulers.

You can use attached files as templates replacing (here it is text in bold) with your current file paths
and then renaming
config_xml_tempalte.txt => config.xml
run_scheduler_bat_template.txt => run_scheduler.bat]]>
Connectors: MediaMind-Expanding API scope? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/732/connectors-mediamind-expanding-api-scopes Sat, 30 Apr 2011 10:22:40 -0400 tjbate 732@/discussions
Idea: Mapping: German postcode zones (1-dig, 2-dig) available? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/440/idea-mapping-german-postcode-zones-1-dig-2-dig-availables Thu, 07 Oct 2010 14:01:41 -0400 dvo_D 440@/discussions -> any idea?
Caution: attached postzone map might not be free, it's googled...]]>
Parameters: Passing values between files http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/529/parameters-passing-values-between-files Tue, 30 Nov 2010 11:17:07 -0500 aknotts 529@/discussions
I have an IOK file with aggregated data in it (due to file size/RAM limits). I have created a local link to another Omniscope IOK file which contains the details that I might need to see. Is there a way to configure the local link to pass a query to the other Omniscope file e.g. [Vendor Name] = 'Boots'

If this isn't possible on the link is there a way to do it?

Am interested to know the answer for both v2.5 and also v2.6 (as most of my customers are on 2.5 at the moment).

Many thanks

Formulae: Regex - Extracting Subset of String? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1822/formulae-regex-extracting-subset-of-strings Tue, 09 Oct 2012 19:01:15 -0400 shaji_o 1822@/discussions Connection Error (SQL Server) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/271/connection-error-sql-server Mon, 29 Mar 2010 20:30:33 -0400 dbzedler 271@/discussions
Unable to connect to the database: The server took too long to respond.

I'm running version 2.6 alpha build 216. Any ideas?

Security: Server SSL Error-handshake alert:unrecognized_name http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2614/security-server-ssl-error-handshake-alertunrecognized_name Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:30:44 -0400 Veaceslav 2614@/discussions
  • Security: SSL Certificate Error - Use your trusted certificate
  • HTTPS Certificate Error
  • Security: The server you are connecting to does not have a valid certificate
  • SSL Error - handshake alert: unrecognized_name

  • Server SSL Error - handshake alert: unrecognized_name

    You may get this SSL error if the server you are trying to access has not been properly configured.

    For security reasons SNI extension has been enabled by default in Java 7. However, if you trust the server you are trying to connect you may want to disable SNI extension.

    jsse.enableSNIExtension is a java system property. Server Name Indication (SNI) is a TLS extension, defined in RFC 4366. It enables TLS connections to virtual servers, in which multiple servers for different network names are hosted at a single underlying network address.

    Some very old SSL/TLS vendors may not be able to handle SSL/TLS extensions. In this case, set this property to false to disable the SNI extension.

    To disable SNL extension you need to do the following:

    1. Open 'installconfig.properties' file located at {YOUR_OMNISCOPE_INSTALLATION_PATH}

    {YOUR_OMNISCOPE_INSTALLATION_PATH} - this is where Omniscope is installed on your machine (e.g. C:\Users\slavvi\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app)

    2. Edit the file to add this line:

    3. Restart Omniscope

    Note: After setting this property, you may get the following error if the server you want to access does not have a certificate issued by a certified authority:
    The server you are connecting to does not have a valid certificate from an authorised authority
    To resolve this error please read the following post:
    However, you will be unable to execute step 2 outlined in that forum post unless you disable the SNI extension while executing that command. Here is how that command may look like:
    java -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false InstallCert server-storing-my-iok-files.com:443

    Mapping: Coordinate conversion-Lat/Long to British National Grid (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1102/mapping-coordinate-conversion-latlong-to-british-national-grid-2.7- Fri, 18 Nov 2011 10:20:16 -0500 chris 1102@/discussions
    In tonights 2.7 release you will see we have added two new functions:


    These allow you to convert a coordinate from GPS lat/long to British national grid. The provide the opposite behaviour to the existing functions:

    SQL Server Connection Problem Running Scheduler on Windows 2008 Server R2 http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/597/sql-server-connection-problem-running-scheduler-on-windows-2008-server-r2 Mon, 17 Jan 2011 11:02:08 -0500 bfromson 597@/discussions
    The new server is running Windows 2008 Server R2 Standard - other scheduler tasks we have run have been on Windows 2003 server or Windows 7 desktop.

    The error is in connecting to one of our SQL servers from the Win 2008 based machine - connections from 2003 and win 7 work just fine. The error message from the SQL server end is " Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT:]". The connection is then terminated and we can't access any data - unfortunately this is our main data source.

    Any ideas ???]]>
    Text Wildcards in Formulae http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/268/text-wildcards-in-formulae Fri, 26 Mar 2010 16:39:00 -0400 Dibbhead 268@/discussions
    I have used the standard Excel * as a text wildcard in a formula but it does not work. Is there a different wildcard in Omniscope for any number of characters?

    I have searched the help topics and can't find an answer to this.

    Graph view: Issues in version 2.7? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1242/graph-view-issues-in-version-2.7s Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:00:04 -0500 pkanther 1242@/discussions
    I wanted to plot 3 lines graphs pertaining to same category in one single view. Since I couldn't categorise them seperately, I am using bar/line graph. However, there are certain things I need help with.

    1. The bar line view only lets me plot the sum/median/mode etc of the measure I have selected. How I can plot the actual unique values?
    2. How can I customise the Y axis values i.e. fix the intervals that I want for each graph.
    3. How can I denote that the y axis value is in ($/tonne).
    4. Below is a screen shot of one of the bar/line views. How can I hide the pane by measures in the present view. I do not want them to be visible after I distribute this file. I have attached a small screen shot of what I intend to hide.

    Kindly help.
    Installation: Public-facing Omniscope (Mobile) Server setup http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2676/installation-public-facing-omniscope-mobile-server-setup Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:05:32 -0400 steve 2676@/discussions
  • Omniscope - a native desktop app that opens and explores IOK files (the free Viewer). When activated, enables analysing and editing your own data, configuring and authoring IOKs, and also DataManager for importing, transforming and exporting data.
  • Omniscope Server - a native desktop app or background server process comprising the Scheduler (for automating IOK updates and publishing) and Mobile Server, a production grade http server for a web-based Omniscope Viewer.

  • Providing you have a Server Edition license you can host a public Omniscope server like ours: https://omniscope.me
    Note that Server Edition licenses are sold by number of concurrent web users supported, an individual user being a browser instance on either a desktop or mobile device.

    Hardware needed

    To experiment, or for smaller files, a reasonable desktop or laptop will do. We support Windows, Mac and common server-class Linux distributions. You can simply run the Server app from your start menu shortcut, after activating.

    For a production-grade system, you'd want it always-on, with a UPS, hardware redundancy, etc., probably hosted in a datacenter or IaaS cloud like Amazon EC2.

    Install configuration

    You'd also ideally want to install Omniscope to run as a service, i.e. in the background on startup, without a user desktop session logged in.

    Once you have the Server app open, you'll see the links to the default sharing folder and serving web address in the Omniscope Server window. Drop some IOKs in the sharing folder and start browsing locally.

    To make it publicly available:
    1. Configure security options as needed
    2. Enable port forwarding on your external network firewall
    3. Buy a domain name
    4. Configure the domain to point to your firewall's external IP address
    5. If using user logins, you should also buy an SSL certificate and configure HTTPS only access.

    You now have a public server available at http://www.your-domain-name.com/

    For more details see http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2610/announcing-omniscope-2.9-beta/p1]]>
    Outputs: Reducing PDF file size? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2071/outputs-reducing-pdf-file-sizes Tue, 26 Mar 2013 05:30:21 -0400 Alexander 2071@/discussions
    We are using the PDF batch output on a daily basis. The PDF files that we generate are rather large. (Up to 30 MB)
    As we aim to email these files, we are encountering problems with the maximum size of attachments.

    What can we do to reduce the size of the files? I have the image quality already reasonably low (value=2).

    Hope you guys can help.

    Regards Alexander]]>
    Connectors: Google Analytics - configuration via proxy? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/493/connectors-google-analytics-configuration-via-proxys Wed, 10 Nov 2010 10:43:50 -0500 dominique 493@/discussions My settings are correct, i can update the licence via the web but it doesn't work with Google Analytics.]]> Source: Access data file update slow? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/581/source-access-data-file-update-slows Fri, 07 Jan 2011 17:01:35 -0500 filippobe 581@/discussions
    I have two Access tables (each one with 200,000 rows), linked as sources to an Omniscope file.
    Every time I open the file and I try to update the two blocks, Omniscope it's unable to connect with the database. It starts to work only after three or four attempts.Therefore, every time I want to update the blocks, all the process takes to me more than 5 minutes. I'm wasting a lot of time. Does anyone know why?
    Thank you

    Connectors: DoubleClick/DFA API version? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2464/connectors-doubleclickdfa-api-versions Thu, 06 Feb 2014 06:12:12 -0500 ALC 2464@/discussions
    Idea: Scheduler - Running 2+ jobs at one time http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/851/idea-scheduler-running-2-jobs-at-one-time Thu, 30 Jun 2011 05:11:13 -0400 neilmerchant 851@/discussions Bar/Line view: status (2.7+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1077/barline-view-status-2.7- Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:57:31 -0400 steve 1077@/discussions
    Please don't post comments here if you have feedback; start a new discussion instead.

    Follow this by clicking the star at the top-right.]]>
    Map View: Importing Overlays/Map Boundaries http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/583/map-view-importing-overlaysmap-boundaries Mon, 10 Jan 2011 09:18:34 -0500 Daniel_Lam 583@/discussions
    The boundaries I am looking for are from the NUTS regional classifications in Europe such as the ones given here:

    http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/gisco/geodata/reference by selecting the "Administrative units/Statistical units"

    The idea is to be able to use these map boundaries in conjunction with heat mapping so that defined areas can be coloured for a set of numerical variables.

    An Example I would like to be able to emulate:

    Idea: Connector-Omniture SiteCatalyst (Adobe) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/702/idea-connector-omniture-sitecatalyst-adobe Fri, 08 Apr 2011 14:38:54 -0400 tjbate 702@/discussions
    The Alpha Partner discussion is here:
    Export: Download PDF/Print from browser versions (2.9+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2618/export-download-pdfprint-from-browser-versions-2.9- Fri, 27 Jun 2014 13:29:47 -0400 antonio 2618@/discussions
    From the app top-right "3 dots" menu, by selecting
    • Download as PDF, the server will generate and send to client a PDF file containing all the IOK file tabs captured as high quality images page by page.
    • Print..., the server will generate a printable HTML report, made of all IOK file tabs high-quality images, that will automatically prompt the end-user native browser print dialog.

    Users can select which aspect-ratio to use to generate the PDF or the printable HTML report
    When prompted,

    • Ticking Use current browser size will generate a report that follows exactly the same app proportions (e.g. views, filters) as seen by the user in their browser.
    • Unticking the option will produce a A4 friendly landscape format report, in which the app proportion will be adapted to the A4 ratio.

    For instance, iPad users may want to download a PDF that looks exactly the way they are experiencing Server-hosted Omniscope IOK files from inside their iPad browsers by using the Use current browser size option and the result will be something similar to the attached PDF.

    N.B. If you run Omniscope Server on Linux server OS and you print a report you may encounter errors / visual glitches, so please follow this troubleshooting post]]>
    Deployment: SharePoint/IIS authentication settings http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1643/deployment-sharepointiis-authentication-settings Tue, 10 Jul 2012 13:06:26 -0400 antonio 1643@/discussions
    401 Authorization Required

    Even if the user is providing the correct authentication details, a misconfiguration of the IIS server (on which Sharepoint runs) may cause the aforementioned error.

    Here follows 2 default Sharepoint/IIS configurations that you may try to apply to solve the problem:

    1. Sharepoint 2007 with IIS 7.0
      • Go to the IIS settings , choose the Sharepoint site you need to configure, and double click on the "Authentication" icon
      • Enable the "Windows Authentication"
      • Click on "Advanced settings" and ensure "Enable Kernel-mode Authentication" option is ticked.

    2. Sharepoint 2010 with IIS 7.5
      • Go to the IIS settings , choose the Sharepoint site you need to configure, and double click on the "Authentication" icon
      • Enable the "Windows Authentication"
      • Click on "Providers..." and ensure that "NTLM" is in the "Enabled Providers" list

    How can I classify records into quartiles or deciles? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/18/how-can-i-classify-records-into-quartiles-or-deciless Thu, 04 Dec 2008 09:05:00 -0500 Guy_Cuthbert 18@/discussions
    To create deciles for a selected field ("GrossUnits" in this example, just replace with your field name):


    to create quartiles instead, simply replace each 10 with 4 i.e.


    Breaking this down...

    1. Firstly we find out where each row ranks in the dataset, based on its GrossUnits value:
    2. Then we calculate the number of rows of data which contain numeric values:
    and then divide this by 4 or 10 (or any other integer e.g. 100 for percentiles) to calculate how many rows fit in each "band" of our grouping
    3. Then we divide the rank by the position by the number of records in each band, and round down the result:
    4. Finally, we subtract the result from our grouping to get the result - the very highest value in the dataset will get a rank of 1, which when divided by the number of records in a band (more than 1), and then rounded down, will result in 0... which when subtracted from our grouping value will place it in the top band, correctly.

    Note: The DATASET_NONEMPTYCOUNT function will not include rows where cells are blank (you will need to replace them with zeros to address this).]]>
    Calculational precedence: At the risk of being boring... http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/437/calculational-precedence-at-the-risk-of-being-boring... Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:24:35 -0400 Guy_Cuthbert 437@/discussions
    I understand why this happens, but I wanted to raise it as an issue again - because it prevents usage as shown in the attached image; how does the user know which (if either!) summary is correct?!

    The areas of the image to focus on are the "Stock Turn" and "Stock Payback" columns; these are calculated columns - the formulae are:
    • Stock Turn = Sold Qty / Current Stock Units (i.e. how many times, in a year, could I have sold the current stock given the sales rate over the past 12 months?)
    • Stock Payback = Current Stock Cost / Gross Profit (i.e. how many years does it take to generate a Gross Profit equal to the current value of stock?)

    The Pivot in the top left shows the number of items in a given Product Range - when selected, we have 2 Tables (top right, and bottom) which show a breakdown:
    • Top Right = full details i.e. every Item in the selected Range (77 items in the image)
    • Bottom = summarised by Product Group and Supplier, so that we can see whether we can discuss stock issues (longevity or excess value) with specific Suppliers

    The aggregation in the bottom table uses "Formula result" to calculate the [correct] values for each Supplier / Product Group. But in the Table view there is no way of using "Formula result" to derive a result... so we get different values in the two tables for the same underlying data.

    Omniscope does provide the option to "Calculate formula field results for group result values" (from the Formula menu, in the Table view), but whilst this yields the correct answer in the Top Right table, it doesn't affect the bottom table... and has the undesirable side effect of forcing all fields required by the formula to be displayed in the table (which, for complex multi-field formulae, isn't an option).

    I will post the result of selecting "Calculate formula field results for group result values" in a follow-up post (I can't add 2 images to this entry) to illustrate the problem.

    I appreciate that Grouping in tables is an architectural problem... but it means that it can be very dangerous to using multiple Table views on the same page; it's easy to confuse the user. More fundamental is that Omniscope is not presenting the *right* number in some cases; or at least it is very easy for the user to make that accusation, with some justification. Many people are used to reviewing summaries in tables - and they remain a useful way to look up a specific value - but such discrepancies in values present real problems when delivering client solutions.

    One for discussion, I think...]]>
    User defined text in Record Details where value is null http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/198/user-defined-text-in-record-details-where-value-is-null Fri, 15 Jan 2010 11:32:33 -0500 WKeith 198@/discussions define the text to be displayed where there is no value.]]> Idea: Bar/Line View - background guidelines Mean+/- 'n' STDs? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2626/idea-barline-view-background-guidelines-mean-n-stdss Wed, 02 Jul 2014 15:25:35 -0400 rajeshbalu29 2626@/discussions Please find the attached Excel chart format in which the plot area has been formatted with calculated gradient effects.
    Can we have this available in Omniscope for one of our important report requirement?]]>