Tagged with xml_data - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/xml_data/p1/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 19:34:40 -0400 Tagged with xml_data - Visokio Forums en-CA Omniscope demo: loading xml URL feed from live CCTV and mapping the images http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/3179/omniscope-demo-loading-xml-url-feed-from-live-cctv-and-mapping-the-images Tue, 11 Oct 2016 13:13:29 -0400 paola 3179@/discussions https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/jamcams.tfl.gov.uk/jamcams-camera-list.xml
(you may need to register on their website first)

Data preparation:
In the DataManager space you can use the Data file source block to point it to the URL location (link above), then load directly to Omniscope for further visualisation.
Data refresh options as displayed in the image will enable automatic data refresh, responding to the changes in the data source xml.


Right-click on the field [File] header in the Table view > Options > Show image >Add more
to configure the image set, as per image below, and display thumbnails in the Table view.


Data visualisation:
Add Map view - the feed already has [Lat] and [Lng] fields, that will be recognised as input by default to position the markers.

Add a Tile view, configured to look at "selected data" and display images that correspond to markers selected on the map.
Tile contents>select the image set (already configured)

Scheduler: creating XML Actions files in file output? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2436/scheduler-creating-xml-actions-files-in-file-outputs Wed, 08 Jan 2014 07:43:57 -0500 andy_white 2436@/discussions
In earlier versions of 2.7 it was possible to have a file output block that would create an xml file. This was basically just a straight text output so we could have a data manager setup that would batch append a number of files and then a field organiser that would create a number of small xml scheduler processes that would move the files into a "processed" folder. It seems in the recent versions of 2.7 and definitely in 2.8 this is much more complex (the xml output options put a number of preformatting in the output and doesn't pass "<" or ">" chars) - can we have this back as an option!!

Sources: Flicker API - Reading multiple xml objects http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2190/sources-flicker-api-reading-multiple-xml-objects Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:02:03 -0400 daniel 2190@/discussions
Is there a way to expand out the attached xml information if the API request is not an original connection? I have created multiple dynamic links which is derived from one API request which fetches a set of images id and then creates 10+ new API requests specifically querying information for each ID. I am able to retrieve the xml output for each link but now have to process out these xml objects' information. Is it possible to expand these out using scripts or to create an expand xml operation block to do it within Omniscope?

I've also encountered similar issues with JSON data formats and haven't really figured out the best way to deal with these types of data. The discussion on scripting and php deserialization is along the same lines but the example Omniscope file doesn't seem to be working:


The two Flicker API methods I am using here are:

To fetch new images by a radius location:

To fetch the photo information: