Tagged with version_2.8 - Visokio Forums http://forums.visokio.com/discussions/tagged/version_2.8/feed.rss Mon, 30 Oct 17 11:34:19 -0400 Tagged with version_2.8 - Visokio Forums en-CA Batch Publishing: Dynamic Content in Message Bodies (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/986/batch-publishing-dynamic-content-in-message-bodies-2.8- Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:17:14 -0400 ddemarco 986@/discussions Pivot View: Remove Row/Coloumn Labels version 2.8? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2577/pivot-view-remove-rowcoloumn-labels-version-2.8s Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:43:55 -0400 benjamin 2577@/discussions
Please can you advise if it is possible to remove the column and row labels from pivot view tables.


Versions: Omniscope 2.8 stable released http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2130/versions-omniscope-2.8-stable-released- Fri, 10 May 2013 09:53:41 -0400 steve 2130@/discussions www.visokio.com/download

If you encounter any faults, please report when prompted or using Help > Error Reporting.
Pivot View 2: New and improved (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2131/pivot-view-2-new-and-improved-2.8- Fri, 10 May 2013 12:11:12 -0400 chris 2131@/discussions
  • Better performance. The old pivot view would often take a long time to calculate and update, particularly when working with large data-sets. You should find the new pivot view much quicker to work with.
  • You can now select multiple measures. The old pivot view only allowed you to select a single measure.
  • You can now select any field in the X and Y axis. In the old pivot view you were limited to selecting a single field.
  • The new Pivot view allows you to tile by one or more fields. Each tile will show a separate Pivot table.
  • There is now much more flexibility for configuring the look and feel of the pivot view. For example, on the view toolbar you can click the "Preset" button and choose to show the data as a grid or a table. More advanced options that allow you to configure options such as the pane height, label positions etc. are available in the "Layout" and "Style" view toolbar menus.
  • The new pivot view includes more colouring options. You can now colour by the measure value, the measure name (useful when more than one measures are selected), by a single field or by a fixed colour.

Please let us know if you encounter any problems using the new pivot view, or if you have any ideas/suggestions of things we can improve.]]>
Outputs: 'Cannot access file in use' message? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2267/outputs-cannot-access-file-in-use-messages Mon, 29 Jul 2013 15:10:11 -0400 KRIN 2267@/discussions
Since updating to the latest version, I’m experiencing a sporadic problem publishing reports. This issue has never occurred before the latest update.

When I publish certain reports, I’m getting an error indicating that the file is in use by another program (see below).

This is only happening for some reports and some of the time. The file in question is only accessible to Omniscope, so there is no chance another program, like Excel, is actually using it.

Publishing outputs has failed whether automated on a Scheduler or updated manually, and whether there are one or multiple viewers. However, it also sometimes works under all of those conditions, so I’ve so far been unable to identify a pattern other than that this has only occurred since the update.

This is impacting some real-time reports in production. Please confirm receipt and advise as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Versions: 2.7 to 2.8 Server transition issue http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2374/versions-2.7-to-2.8-server-transition-issue Mon, 14 Oct 2013 05:27:34 -0400 DominicChan 2374@/discussions
This makes the correctly grouped table in 2.7 to display incorrectly after being saved down through the server.

Can you advise if this can be rectified in later versions of 2.8?

Activation-Linux version of Server? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1106/activation-linux-version-of-servers Tue, 22 Nov 2011 04:29:50 -0500 steve 1106@/discussions
  • installable (by extracting & following simple instructions)
  • licensable (through activation, as per the Windows and Mac versions, but supporting command-line activation)
  • supporting any common x86 or x64 Linux systems on which Java 6+ runs
  • compatible with text-only Linux servers, for use in headless mode as Server edition
  • compatible with graphical Linux servers, for use as a UI application as Viewer, Desktop or Server editions
  • supporting use as a service under /etc/init.d

Please vote or comment to register interest.]]>
Performance: DataManager flow being slow/unresponsive? (2.8) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2384/performance-datamanager-flow-being-slowunresponsives-2.8 Wed, 23 Oct 2013 08:31:29 -0400 CRead 2384@/discussions
I'm not talking about the actual calculation of fields, or how long a file takes to refresh - but simple operations such as adding a field, expanding a block, bringing up the right click menu, selecting blocks.

It's not specific to one file, or one block type. It doesn't require a lot of blocks, although as block count goes up, responsiveness goes through the floor to an almost comic degree.

I'm not anywhere near RAM limits in most cases, the CPU is often nigh idle, and there's no disk thrashing.]]>
Bar/Line: How to hide the row/column headers in 2.8? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2297/barline-how-to-hide-the-rowcolumn-headers-in-2.8s Tue, 27 Aug 2013 09:30:57 -0400 CRead 2297@/discussions Version 2.8 - Hide all unused devices not working? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2307/version-2.8-hide-all-unused-devices-not-workings Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:03:58 -0400 Steve_Randall 2307@/discussions Thanks
Versions: 2.7 Category fields re-typed Text, Numeric or Date fields in 2.8? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2300/versions-2.7-category-fields-re-typed-text-numeric-or-date-fields-in-2.8s Thu, 29 Aug 2013 06:38:17 -0400 Alexander 2300@/discussions
We are upgrading to 2.8. So far we have not encountered any problems in data-flows. We have seen some new features, looks really good. Now we are publishing our 2,7 build dashboards with the 2,8 scheduler. The process works fine, but the field types in the dashboard are not what we expected. Category field have become text, numeric or date fields.

After investigating this issue the problem also occurs when opening the dashboard in 2.8.

Is this the expected behavior?

(using 2.8 b1088)]]>
Filtering: Recordfilter > in version 2.7 is >= in 2.8 http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2310/filtering-recordfilter-in-version-2.7-is-in-2.8 Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:16:08 -0400 Alexander 2310@/discussions
We have another problem in 2.8. We have record filter that is set with the ">" argument in 2.7. When opening the same DataManager Record Filter block in 2.8 the argument is changed to ">=". This is causing problems.

Hope you can help on short notice.

Performance: Migrating from 2.7 to 2.8 found major issue? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2305/performance-migrating-from-2.7-to-2.8-found-major-issues Wed, 04 Sep 2013 09:30:18 -0400 Alexander 2305@/discussions
As we are upgrading to 2.8 we are currently testing running all our processes on version 2.8.
One particular DataManager block operation is really slow in 2.8, whereas in version 2.7 there was no problem.

I isolated the problem in the script. I would like to send the file to you. Please let me know who to contact.

I am joining 2 .iok files on 1 field. See printscreen. image]]>
Radar View (Omniscope 2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2136/radar-view-omniscope-2.8- Tue, 14 May 2013 08:36:59 -0400 antonio 2136@/discussions
The radar plot, also referred to as 'spider plot' or 'star plot', can be very effective in visualisation of multivariate data.

Radar View has 2 main ways to present your data:

  1. Standard radial layout

    Classic way of plotting values of each category along a separate axis/spoke laying them out in a radial style.

  2. Parallel coordinates

    It lays out parallel axes and plots the data elements across several dimensions.
    Each dimension corresponds to one vertical axis, and the data elements are displayed as series of connected points along the axes.


Currently 4 different presets allow you to switch between the different styles and layout settings:
  • Lines: in radial layout paints polygon lines only
  • Lines and Fills: in radial layout paints lines and filled polygons
  • Fills: in radial layout paints filled polygons
  • Parallel Coordinates: in vertical layout paints lines

Regarding scale options you can switch between:
  1. Vertical Common: A scale will be displayed on the vertical axis, all measures will be proportional to each other.
  2. Hidden: Same as Vertical Common but no scale will be displayed
  3. Independent: No scale will be displayed. All measures will be normalised independently.

To fully customise your Radar view, you can play with the following style/layout options:
  • From the Style drop-down menu:
    • Show: Markers, Lines, Fills
    • Line opacity
    • Line thickness
    • Fill opacity
    • N.B. these options are also per measure available.

  • From the Spoke drop-down menu:
    • Colour spokes
    • Show range label on spokes
    • Pad spokes at center
    • Spokes transparency
    • Spokes thickness
    • Spokes layout

Here are some common use cases, where the Radar view is the perfect data visualisation plot:

1) Comparing predicted vs actual data:


2) Presenting hourly data:


3) Observe distribution of data across different dimensions (multivariate data) with parallel coordinates layout:


4) Displaying tiles of different "shapes", to visually compare different products/campaigns/individuals

Version 2.8 - Category in Field Organiser DM block? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2290/version-2.8-category-in-field-organiser-dm-blocks Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:19:22 -0400 Mees 2290@/discussions We are testing 2.8 for our workflows and saw the new field type 'Category' in the Field Organiser DM block.
Great add on but what is the expected behavior for these fields in the views?
Especially fields that were text in 2.7 and are transformed to Category in 2.8 DataManager?
Versions: Upgrading to version 2.8 ?? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2269/versions-upgrading-to-version-2.8-ss Tue, 30 Jul 2013 10:51:16 -0400 enrico68 2269@/discussions After having seen the last release notes, we would like to consider the idea to upgrade to version 2.8 (unfortunately this version is still a beta version).

In particular we are interested in the improvements of version 2.8 on
- aggregation function,
- pivot view
- the new radar view.

So, I'd like to ask if it can be safe to pass to version 2.8, considering that is only a beta release.

Is there any idea about when version 2.8 will became a stable release?

Mapping: Geocode operation replacing formula functions (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2265/mapping-geocode-operation-replacing-formula-functions-2.8- Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:27:19 -0400 chris 2265@/discussions
In the latest version of Omniscope 2.8 (b1057) we have removed the GEOCODELAT and GEOCODELONG functions. If you try to use either of these functions Omniscope will now show an error and you will not return any data. If you have any Omniscope files that use either of these functions you should remove them. These functions were removed because both of the providers used (Yahoo and Cloudmade) are no longer available for free; they both charge a fee for using them and require an additional billing and authentication sequence. This would not be possible to include inside a formula function.

As an alternative we have now added the "Geocode" operation. To use this operation in DataManager, connect the operation to a block with a field containing location data that you would like to geocode. After connecting you can select which geocode service you would like to use. After selecting the service you can then configure the service and execute the operation to obtain your geocoded data.

In Omniscope 2.8 we have added a single Geocoding service: Yahoo. In Omniscope 2.9 we will be adding an ESRI geocoding service. Please let us know if there are any alternative services you would like us to add.

Because Yahoo is now a paid-for geocoding service you need to sign up to Yahoo to use it. To sign up you need to create a Yahoo account and then create a Yahoo BOSS auth key and enter your payment details.

The following help page from Yahoo outlines the process:


The following page outlines the pricing for using the Yahoo geocoding service. Please see the "Placefinder only" table for information:


Once you have signed up you can enter your OAuth consumer key/OAuth consumer secret into the Geocode operation to geocode your data.

It might be advisable to set an upper limit on the amount of money charged for using the geocoding service per month, just incase you inadvertently try and geocode a large number of records. This can be configured in the setup process.

In the screenshot below you can see we are using the Yahoo Geocoding service to geocode two locations:


There are several advantages of using a Geocode operation rather than a geocode function:

  1. It's easier to manage and maintain. To edit a function you need to use a field organiser, locate the formula field and then edit the formula. Typically you will be using both GEOCODELAT and GEOCODELONG so if there are any changes you need to edit both of these. The Geocode operation is much easier to locate and change as necessary.
  2. You can obtain more data. The GEOCODELAT and GEOCODELONG functions only return the corresponding lat/long values. With the Geocode operation you can obtain additional data. In the Yahoo geocode service there are around 25 additional fields such as "quality," "city" and "country". You can select which fields you want to include when you retrieve your data.
  3. You can obtain multiple matches. The GEOCODELAT and GEOCODELONG functions only returned the lat/long values for the best match. In the Yahoo service you can enter a "Count" parameter. This can be used to specify the maximum number of results to return per location. In the example above we have used a count of "3" and obtain 3 results for "Chelsea".

Please let us know if you have any comments or questions about these changes.

Bar/Line View: Manual Axis value error? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2262/barline-view-manual-axis-value-errors Mon, 22 Jul 2013 23:37:39 -0400 rajeshbalu29 2262@/discussions I know in Visokio 2.8 we are able to set the scales manually but its not fixed to a specific value which we force to enter. For eg if we set the max value as 35 it automatically set to 40. Can you please help me to fix this issue as need a fix for creating some static max and min value's for set of charts in one tab,

Thanks & regards
Rajesh B]]>
Idea: Pivot View 2.8-Fixing total column/rows? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2259/idea-pivot-view-2.8-fixing-total-columnrowss Mon, 22 Jul 2013 05:45:50 -0400 DominicChan 2259@/discussions
Is there a way to fix the "Total Row" to the bottom of the table when using the 2.8 Pivot Table?

Is there a way to manually adjust the column width? For example, the Y pane title column (the grouping column), or the X pane title columns (the measures column)

Thanks, Dominic]]>
Filtering: On refresh, Text fields filter issue? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2254/filtering-on-refresh-text-fields-filter-issues Fri, 19 Jul 2013 08:46:18 -0400 Mees 2254@/discussions
I use 2.8 b1047 and have problems with the text fields in the filter panel. When the data is refreshed in the iok, these fields do not open. We need to change the filter type, change it back to text search and then it works. Can you please have a look? As we need to automate our processes with the scheduler, it would be nice this will be fixed.

Thanks, A]]>
Bar/Line View: 2.7 migration to 2.8 data titles issue? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2237/barline-view-2.7-migration-to-2.8-data-titles-issues Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:15:17 -0400 bgrovens 2237@/discussions
We are in the process of upgrading our server from 2.7 to 2.8. One thing we noticed is that with all reports previously produced in 2.7 we have "Layered by Measures" hidden to "Never" show. Example 1 below.

After you open the same report in 2.8 it unhides this and you can see "Layered By Measures" on every chart in every report. Can you please look into this, I can't modify our 100 producton reports by clicking on "Never" show on each chart of all reports to migrate. Please advise why this is turning on and how I can resolve this problem.

Aggregation: Version 2.7 & 2.8 issues? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2209/aggregation-version-2.7-2.8-issuess Fri, 21 Jun 2013 12:05:05 -0400 DominicChan 2209@/discussions
It appears with 2.8 having to specify aggregation by "All Records", instead of the defaulted all records aggregation with 2.7 and prior, files created with 2.7 containing aggregate blocks in DataManager without any fields specified will not always get aggregated when ran by 2.8 server.

I have been testing the 2.8 server running 2.7 files, the results are quite random....sometimes some aggregation blocks run properly and sometimes none of the aggregation blocks function.

Please can you advise if this is a bug?

Bar/Line View: Displaying Y axis labels horizontally? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2195/barline-view-displaying-y-axis-labels-horizontallys Tue, 18 Jun 2013 13:06:13 -0400 adicarlo 2195@/discussions
I recently downloaded version 2.8 Beta of Omniscope and there's a white box that appears on the left side of my charts. Whenever I click on it, it just re-arranges my charts on the right.

How can I get rid of this box and only show my 5 charts?]]>
Outputs: "Disable background" as an Export to PDF option (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1541/outputs-disable-background-as-an-export-to-pdf-option-2.8- Wed, 09 May 2012 11:54:48 -0400 OmarKhan 1541@/discussions Map View: New GIS data files - Shapefiles, KML (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2132/map-view-new-gis-data-files-shapefiles-kml-2.8- Fri, 10 May 2013 12:13:13 -0400 steve 2132@/discussions Omniscope 2.8 Beta, you can now import data from ESRI Shapefiles (.shp) and Google Earth (.kml) files.

These files typically contain geographic data, such as points, polygons and polylines, with additional metadata.

Omniscope allows you to import this data as a flat table of fields and records, take advantage of the powerful ETL DataManager merging and transforming operations, and/or open in Omniscope for exploring and analysing in the Map and other views.

When imported into Omniscope, the data is treated no differently to non-geo data. You can filter and aggregate, for example. Typically two fields will contain the lat/lon coordinates of each point or vertex, and other fields might exist for metadata or path ID purposes.]]>
Layout: Sub-tabs and moving tabs (2.8+)? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2185/layout-sub-tabs-and-moving-tabs-2.8-s Thu, 06 Jun 2013 04:28:17 -0400 Phillipa 2185@/discussions
How do I move Tabs? Before you could drop and drag them easily, this no longer works and I've just created a error reprot trying to do this in the manage tabs menu.

Thanks, Phillipa]]>
Pie View: Othering in Pie Views? http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/1011/pie-view-othering-in-pie-viewss Tue, 27 Sep 2011 06:47:55 -0400 OmarKhan 1011@/discussions Map View: Importing Overlays & Radial selection (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2135/map-view-importing-overlays-radial-selection-2.8- Sun, 12 May 2013 09:18:20 -0400 steve 2135@/discussions
Configurable "Point" overlays show the additional dataset as reference points beneath the main data's markers. The "Spider" option shows links between overlay datapoints and main datapoints, such as linking the sales person to the customer.

"Line" overlays (where the additional dataset is a series of lines, each represented as a series of points) allow you to show routes, for example.

"Area" overlays (as per "Line", but where the path is closed and filled) allow you to show political or administrative areas, areas at risk from natural disaster, or areas within a certain distance of another area or point, for example.

All overlays are highly configurable and can be data-linked to the main datapoints - so overlay data will disappear or re-style as you filter in the sidebar.

You can also use area overlays to select data (by optional join field, or by geometry).

Note that the Map view's "Connect by" menu has also been extended to support equivalent additional functionality such as filled areas.

We have also introduced a Radial selection mode, allowing you to drag from a centre point outwards to select all points accurately within a given distance.

All overlays currently assume WGS84 coordinates.]]>
Pie View (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2139/pie-view-2.8- Tue, 14 May 2013 10:55:37 -0400 michael 2139@/discussions Pie View new features in 2.8 release

The Pie view has been significantly upgraded in 2.8. There are several examples on the picture below.


1. Changes with how we dividing data into sub-sets and laying it out into multiple plots

In the previous version of the Pie view only "Pane vertically" and "Pane horizontally" options were accessible for creating multiple pie charts that represent sub-divisions of the global data-set split by given Field.

In 2.8 we have two new breakdown+layout types: "Layer" and "Tile".

"Layer" for the Pie view splits the dataset by given field and creates multi-layered pie (another names "multi-level pie", "ring chart").
Please notice the labelling at the bottom which corresponds to the pie concentric rings.


"Tile" arranges the Pie plots in floating or square layout.


2. Changes with measures

In 2.8 we can specify multiple measures for pie segments in one view (in contrast with the previous version where we could specify just one measure).

To show multiple measures we need to create separate Pie plot(s) for each measure, or we need to arrange pies in concentric rings (layered pie) so that each ring represents certain measure.

So in case we have multiple measures we can choose how we want to layout the plots:
1) "Pane" horizontally or vertically;
2) "Tile";
3) "Layer".


All measure related options can be configured from the Measures option (see the picture below).
Please also note that you can also configure to show Statistics there.


3. Changes with the styling
- Improved, neat labelling;
- Doughnut type;
- Other options that adjust font size etc.

4. Changes with the menu

In 2.8 we started to unify the menu system for the Bar, Pie, Radar and Pivot views. So if you go to those view you can quickly adjust needed configuration.

5) Improved brushing

In 2.8 we improved the Pie view brushing. Have a look to the picture and compare with the similar result for the Bar view.


6) Othering


Installation: Omniscope silent activation (2.8+) http://forums.visokio.com/discussion/2138/installation-omniscope-silent-activation-2.8- Tue, 14 May 2013 10:52:08 -0400 mustafa 2138@/discussions
Starting from Omniscope 2.8, we have added the ability to activate/deactivate/refresh Omniscope silently, meaning you don't need to physically start the application on the machine to activate/deactivate/refresh your license.

This is designed to let Network Administrators activate/refresh/deactivate Omniscope by sending some commands to the Omniscope launcher.

How to silently install Omniscope:

  1. Start Command prompt
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains OmniscopeInstaller.exe
  3. Run the following command:

    "<path to executable>\OmniscopeInstaller.exe /S"

This will Omniscope install Omniscope silently.

How to silently activate Omniscope:

  1. Start Command prompt
  2. Navigate to the Omniscope installation directory. This is a directory where you find the Omniscope.exe and is located typically in:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Visokio Omniscope
    C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Visokio Omniscope app

  3. Run the following command:

    "<path to Omniscope.exe>\Omniscope_console.exe -activate xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

Replace the xxxx with the actual license key you are trying to activate. On running the command above, Omniscope will attempt to activate Omniscope silently and any confirmation or errors will be displayed on the console.

How to silently refresh Omniscope:

It is the same as the above process of trying to activate Omniscope, with the only difference being the command that you run:

"<path to Omniscope.exe>\Omniscope_console.exe -reactivate"

All confirmation and errors will be displayed on the console.

How to silently deactivate Omniscope:

It is the same as the above process of trying to activate Omniscope, with the only difference being the command that you run:

"<path to Omniscope.exe>\Omniscope_console.exe -deactivate"

All confirmation and errors will be displayed on the console.

Useful tip

The console Window will close once you Omniscope has terminated, therefore we suggest that you actually redirect all output to a text file to see what is happening. This can be done by simply using the following command at the end.

> [path to output]\output.txt

For example:

"<path to Omniscope.exe>\Omniscope_console.exe -deactivate" > c:\OmniscopeDeact.txt]]>